I have recently learnt that there are currently proposals, out for consultation, about Shawside Park (Off Cowlishaw Lane/rear of Royton and Crompton School) possibly being used for housing development in the future.

These proposals if confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate could mean that Shawside Park will be lost and houses could be built in its place.

Responding to this consultation is about making it impossible/harder for the land to be used for future development and ensuring we keep Shawside Park as a piece of green space for local residents, their children and its recreational use.

If you do want to keep Shawside Park from being used for housing then I urge you to send your objections to the address below BEFORE 21 February 2014.

Below is a suggestion that may give you some ideas about what grounds to object on. Please feel free to expand/use your own words on this. You can of course add your own objections to it as well.

Some 20 years ago local residents ignored a similar consultation process about various pieces of land in Shaw and Crompton. I am afraid to say that a couple of important green spaces from then have now been built upon as a result.

Please do not let the same happen to Shawside Park – I have played in their as a child I want others to have the same opportunity.

Strategic Planning and Information
Oldham Council
Room 310
Civic Centre

OR: Email:

Dear Sir/Madam

Local Plan 2016 – 2026 Site Allocation Plan Ref No: 1551

I wish to lodge an objection to the use of Shawside Park, Cowlishaw Lane for residential, employment or mixed use.

I would like to see Shawside Park protected as Open Space.

I am concerned about the lack of recreational facilities in Shaw and Crompton and Shawside Park is the nearest park to Shaw Town Centre.

Yours faithfully

REMEMBER: Please include your name and address, including postcode and email if you have one.

4 thoughts on “SAVE SHAWSIDE PARK (Cowlishaw)

  1. ian mckay says:

    i hope they do develop on DOGSHIT PARK ,yes that is what i and some other residents call it.This park is supposed to be for all to use but we CANNOT.the park is full of dog shit i cannot let my little girl to go on the grass.

  2. ian mckay says:

    dogshit park

    • howardsykes says:

      The issue is to tackle the dog mess and the handful of owners who spoil it for everybody else. This is a battle on other green spaces elsewhere in Shaw and Crompton.

      The council will take enforcement action against those that do not clean up after their dogs. It needs help with information and people being prepared to give witness statements. Over the years when people do this the owners get fined.

      A handful spoil it for the majority.

      Just building on the green space just displaces the problem elsewhere.

  3. Lucy says:

    I’m sorry but we used to live overlooking that land and it would be a shame if it was covered up with houses I do not agree with this plan thank you

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