Crompton Pool:Sustaining the Pressure Over Closure Threat

Cllr Howard sykes campaigns with local residents to keep Crompton Pool open

Howard Sykes and Liberal Democrat colleagues are maintaining the pressure on the Labour administration over the issue of Crompton Pool. Following the public consultation Howard is maitaining that the widest possible range of options are considered for the Crompton Pool replacement which, in addition to possible sites at Royton Town Centre and Royton and Crompton School, will now include Shaw Town Centre and any other potential suitable sites that are readily accessible within Shaw or Royton.
Speaking at a recent Council meeting, Howard said, “It should be fully recognised that a new permanent leisure/pool facility in Shaw would not only be viable and cost effective but help retain the integrity and vibrancy of the town.” He also asked for clarification that neither Royton nor Crompton pools will close before a new facility comes on stream.
Additionally, Howard has asked that any decision taken regarding the leisure provision in the Borough between May 2011 and February 2012 be made transparent saying, “It is important for the people of Shaw, Crompton and Royton that any decisions taken on this important issue are done so in a completely transparent way that allows residents to understand and have their say about any proposed changes. I believe this is the right way to do business with local residents.” Got a comment? Contact Howard directly via his contact page.

Shaw and Crompton Holocaust Memorial Day Service 2012

Cllr Howard Sykes speaking at the memorial service on Friday 27th January 2012

Shaw and Crompton Holocaust Memorial Day Service 2012

John Dillon: Introduction:
I would like to welcome you all here this morning to Shaw and Crompton’s 8th Holocaust Memorial Day. It is intended that this will be a short memorial and ceremonial stones will be laid as a gesture at the end of the proceedings.
Once again we are gathered here to commemorate Holocaust Day to remind ourselves of the horrors mankind commits to his fellow man not just in the past but still happening today, such as the events in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The theme for this year is Speak Up Speak Out

Mike Dodd

Richard Dimbleby Describes Belsen

‘I have just returned from the Belsen Concentration Camp, where for two hours I drove slowly about the place in a jeep with the chief doctor of second army. I had waited a day before going to the camp so that I could be absolutely sure of the facts now available. I find it hard to describe adequately the horrible things that I have seen and heard, but here, unadorned are the facts. There are 40,000 men, women and children in the camp: German and half a dozen other nationalities, thousands of them Jews. Of this total of 40,000 – 4,250 are acutely ill or dying of virulent disease. Typhus, typhoid, diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia and child-birth fever are rife. 25,600, three quarters of them women, are either ill from lack of food, or are actually dying of starvation. In the last few months alone, 30,000 prisoners have been killed off or allowed to die. Those are the simple, horrible facts of Belsen. But horrible as they are they can convey little or nothing in themselves. I wish with all my heart that everyone fighting in this war and above all those whose duty it is to direct the war from Britain and America could have come with me through the barbed wire fence that leads to the inner compound of the camp.
Royton and Crompton Pupils

Rev. Harry Edwards

Luke 4. 14 – 21
The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry
Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.
The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:
‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to
the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind
to let the oppressed go free.
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’
And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the
synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, ‘Today this scripture has been
fulfilled in your hearing.’

John Hall Chairman Shaw and Crompton Parish Council
First they came for the Jews: by Pastor Martin Niemoller:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.

John Dillon Never Shall I Forget – Elie Wiesel
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for ever.
Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live
as long as God Himself..

Statement of commitment: (ALL)
1. We recognise that the Holocaust shook the foundations of modern civilisation. Its unprecedented character and horror will always hold universal meaning.
2. We believe the Holocaust must have a permanent place in our nation’s collective memory. We honour the survivors still with us, and reaffirm our shared goals of mutual understanding and justice.
3. We must make sure that future generations understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflect upon its consequences. We vow to remember the victims of Nazi persecution and of all genocide.
4. We value the sacrifices of those who have risked their lives to protect or rescue victims, as a touchstone of the human capacity for good in the face of evil.
5. We recognise that humanity is still scarred by the belief that race, religion, disability or sexuality makes some people’s lives worth less than others’. Genocide, anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and discrimination still continue. We have a shared responsibility to fight these evils.
6. We pledge to strengthen our efforts to promote education and research about the Holocaust and other genocide. We will do our utmost to make sure that the lessons of such events are fully learnt.

7. We will continue to encourage Holocaust remembrance by holding an annual Shaw and Crompton Holocaust Memorial Day. We condemn the evils of prejudice, discrimination and racism. We value a free, tolerant, and democratic society.


Howard Sykes
There Is a Last Solitary Coach – David Vogel
There is a last, solitary coach about to leave.
Let us get in and go,
For it won’t wait.
I have seen young girls going softly
With sad faces
That looked ashamed and sorry
Like purple sunsets,
And chubby, pink children
Who went simply
Because they were called.
And I’ve seen men
Who stepped proud and straight through the world’s streets,
Whose large eyes went ranging
Far and wide,
They too got in calmly
And left.
And we are the last.
Day is declining.
The last, solitary coach is about to leave.
Let us too get in quietly
And go,
For it won’t wait.

Everyone has a right to be free,
Where there is no freedom for others,
There is no freedom for me.
Everyone has a right to be different,
Where there is no respect for difference,
There can be no respect for me.
There is HOPE for a safer future if I protect liberty,
If I RESPECT others,
Others will RESPECT me.

All: Rev Harry Edwards to lead: The Lords Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever.

An alternative to lighting candles is the placing of stones in a focal place, such as before the altar. Stones, rather than flowers, are traditionally placed on Jewish graves as a sign of remembrance; in parts of the world where stones are more readily found than flowers this is practical. The practice also echoes the accounts in Genesis of marking the grave of the patriarchs. Symbolically, a stone prayerfully placed provides the antithesis to a stone thrown in anger.

Minute’s silence:

All: We place these stones in memory of all people, each known to you by name, who perished as a result of human action. We lay them down as a sign of our determination to counter anger and hatred wherever we may find them, and of our commitment to live for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Lay stones:

Shaw Parking Situation – Council told to get finger out!

Howard Sykes has taken Council officers to task over the parking situation in Shaw. He said, “The parking situation in Shaw needs addressing as a matter of urgency. The local businesses in Shaw are suffering because spaces on the car parks are being clogged up with all day parking. Businesses in Shaw need all the help they can get especially in the current climate. We need to encourage both residents and visitors wishing to use the facilities in Shaw to have easy access to car parking provision and this will enhance the customer experience which can only be a good thing for the local economy.
“I speak to the owners of local businesses in Shaw and they tell me that people no longer just nip in to Shaw because they cannot find anywhere to park easily because people are parking up and leaving their vehicles all day in the car parks.
“I want to be able to provide my constituents with some answers regarding all of the above as I believe that they have waited long enough and deserve to know what exactly is going to happen in Shaw.”
In a reply at the end of December the Council said that they appreciated the frustrations of all concerned and that Royton District Parking Scheme being implemented in April 2012 would serve as a template for the revised scheme in Shaw.
Howard has responded saying,”Shaw residents can be certain that I and my colleagues will ensure that the scheme in Shaw will reflect the voices and needs of residents and businesses in Shaw.” Is this issue of concern to you? Have your voice heard by contacting Howard.

Oldham Road Chaos Addressed

Howard Sykes has demanded the issue of road chaos in Oldham be addressed in response to concerns expressed by local residents. In a letter to the Chief Executive of Oldham Council he says, “The current situation with regard to traffic congestion within the Borough as result of roadwork’s is becoming a major topic of concern amongst the residents of this Borough.
“Of course I recognise that the work related to Metrolink has been a significant factor in the problems related to the town centre, but you will be well aware that we as an administration took the implications of Metrolink very seriously and were constantly seeking improved signage, better communication with the public and of course improvements in the planning of road closures.
“But we have had a number of examples recently where the level of planning and communication with the public have fallen well short of the standards we would have expected and insisted upon – the perfect example being the current Ripponden Road resurfacing works.
“It is taking some people 50-60 minutes to do a simple three mile journey (or less) be it in the morning or in the evening. This cannot be right and the cost to our citizens and the business they work for must be enormous.
“The new labour administration undertook a review of the highways programme that the previous Lib Dem administration approved and, whilst that is their prerogative, the delays built into the system by the review has caused a major concertina effect.
“The whole situation as far as the public, the business community and the politicians is that there is a lack of direction and leadership and that things appear to be spiralling out of control.
“The public of this Borough are appealing in the strongest terms to me and my colleagues to take this by the scruff of the neck, bang some heads together and get the borough moving again.
Howard and the Liberal Democrats will continue to monitor the situation and to lobby for improvement on behalf of local residents and businesses.

Removal of Misleading Information Signs in Connection with Highway Works

     Date:       29 July 211

Ms Elaine McLean

Executive Director Economy, Places and Skills

Oldham Council

Dear Ms McLean

Re: Removal of Misleading Information Signs in Connection with Highway Works

Once again your officers, contractors and partners have failed with regard to the above signage. 

I wish I could say this is a one off but it is not.  Firstly we usually have a fight to get any information signs displayed about highway works and they certainly are never erected when the works commence, usually (if we are lucky), a few days later or some times weeks later.

To say I am very disappointed with having to advise officers from the top level in your Directorate to staff who are further down your team with respect to the above is a vast understatement and to do it repeatedly is tiresome to say the least!

I am fed up of seeing signs littered across the whole of our Borough “informing” citizens that roads are closed when in fact roads are fully operational and have been re-opened, in some instances, for at least one month.

A typical example of this is Grains Road, Shaw.  As of Friday 29 July 2011 several approach routes (and on the road itself) to Grains Road have yellow signs that advise that Grains Road will be closed due to roadwork’s for a period of two weeks (20 June – 3 July). 

Grains Road is in fact fully operational and has been since before 3 July and yet the signs have still not been removed!  The photograph attached gives clear evidence of what I am referring to. 

Next week it is 3 August, a full calendar month after the works have been completed and based upon past experience they will still be there if I had not had to intervene again and in fact do part of the job of whoever undertook this highway scheme.

With the unavoidable traffic congestions/delays that our citizens are trying to be patient with regarding various ‘roadwork’s’ in the Borough is it not surprising that they get angry when they are faced with incorrect diversion routes and signs – especially when these are compounded in one area!

For example, the diversion route which is currently in operation in Shaw to facilitate ‘Metrolink works’ – drivers are now travelling a diversion route to avoid Beal Lane but also think that Grains Road is closed – causing yet further havoc – which could be avoided! 

Does someone not “walk the route” following completion of such schemes and ensure that everything is in place and as it should be, signage included?  They clearly do not and if they do we need to send them for an eye test. 

People should take pride in their work – the really annoying thing is the scheme itself on Grains Road is a first class job – started on time and completed before expected and is welcomed by its many users – this is spoiled as so many such schemes are due to lack of attention to detail.

Surely it is not beyond the wit of man (or woman) to get this right and it would just make drivers less angry and more patient when faced with the diversions that are unavoidable.

I look forward to your reply with interest and more importantly what measures are going to be put in place to give the citizens of our Borough the confidence that our traffic signing is in fact correct. 

Also when there is next a scheme in my patch of Shaw and Crompton that it will not require three to four interventions by myself or my colleagues to get signage and other matters up and correct then removed in a timely manner when the scheme is complete.

 Yours sincerely – Howard Sykes

Sykes accuses Labour of “incredible incompetence that will cost Oldham and Rochdale tens of millions pounds”

 Date: 19th July 2011


Sykes accuses Labour of “incredible incompetence that will cost Oldham and Rochdale tens of millions pounds”

 That was the first reaction of Councillor Howard Sykes; Liberal Democrat Leader of the Opposition on Oldham Council, on being told the proposed joint working arrangement between Oldham and Rochdale Council is off.

 Councillor Sykes said: “Labour, after only a few months in charge of both Oldham and Rochdale Councils, have failed to do a deal that could have protected front line services while making a significant contribution to the savings both Councils need to make over the next 2-3 years (up to £50 million).”

 “I can’t believe that in such a short space of time Labour could have contrived to make such a monumental cock up.  The last Lib Dem administration left a good working relationship between Oldham and Rochdale which could have delivered up to half the total savings both Councils need to find over the next three years.”

 Councillor Sykes added: “This was the most obvious and beneficial way to find a huge chunk of the massive savings both Councils needed to make, savings which would have been achieved by sharing management, sharing human resources, reducing duplication, economies of scale etc. The whole package, taken together, would have taken massive pressure off frontline services and jobs.  It was a no brainer and makes you wonder why we did not do it years ago!”

 “The people who will pay the price are the staff and the hard working citizens of Oldham and Rochdale,” claimed Councillor Sykes.  “Talk of loss of local democratic control by either council is a smoke screen to hide Labour’s failure.”

 He concluded:  “As a result of this incompetence, after only two months in power, Labour are taking us back to the dark days – hundreds and hundreds of additional Oldham Council staff have been condemned to redundancy and a huge strain placed on frontline services to cut costs.”

 “It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a very bad day for Oldham Council, its staff and the citizens of this borough”


Sykes welcomes achievements of Affordable warmth initiative

 Date: 7th June 2011


Sykes welcomes achievements of Affordable warmth initiative

Councillor Howard Sykes, Liberal Democrat leader of the opposition on Oldham Council is delighted with the success of the Affordable Warmth initiative.

 Councillor Sykes said: “This was one of many initiatives which we brought in during the three years we ran Oldham Council from 2008 -11.  We decided that rather than just accept that more than 10,000 families were suffering fuel poverty and that thousands of homes had sub standard insulation, we would do something about it.”

 He added: “To us in the Lib Dems it all made sense, better insulated and warmer homes improves the quality of life for our residents, improves health and reduces pressure on NHS services. It ticks all the boxes and is win win as far as we are concerned.”

 He continued: “Our only disappointment was that the economic climate made it difficult to put more money in, but the extra £53k we found in the budget last year helped bring in over £6M of new money to Oldham allowing 3,000 energy efficiency measures to be installed and 200 residents advised on how to get out of fuel poverty”.

 Councillor Sykes concluded: “Despite being only the first year of a three year programme, this scheme was already hugely successful at targeting the elderly, the less well off and the vulnerable in our Borough, all of which makes it even more surprising that the new Labour administration want to cut the extra funding and want to dismantle the scheme.”           
