Our Pass – freedom to travel for 16 -18 year olds

Our Pass – freedom to travel for 16 -18 year olds.

Our Pass provides 16 to 18 year olds with the freedom to travel, learn and work, and make the most of what Greater Manchester has to offer, through free bus and discounted Metrolink travel, and access to a wide range of freebies, discounts and experiences; known as Our Pass Exclusives.
Organisations can find out about becoming part of the scheme via this information pack.

“No Answers”: Oldham Council bosses dodge questions after meeting was cancelled to watch the Euros

“No Answers”: Oldham Council bosses dodge questions after meeting was cancelled to watch the Euros. 

Oldham Liberal Democrats have hit out at the ruling Labour Group after a council meeting was cut short so that elected members could leave early to watch England’s Euro semi-final clash with the Netherlands. 

At the meeting, Labour along with their so-called Independent coalition partners, voted to axe the time allocated for questions to the Leader of the Council and her Cabinet. 

Leader of the Opposition councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Labour promised to answer questions in writing after the meeting.  We’ve now had a response to our questions, but the answers have clearly been provided by council officers.  I doubt the Leader or her Cabinet so much as lifted a finger.  This is pitiful.  It almost makes you wonder if avoiding questioning was the real reason for cutting the meeting short.”

Councillor Sykes used one of his entitled questions to the Leader to challenge her administration on their cuts to environmental services.  His second question, relating to Greater Manchester Police’s problematic IT system iOps – was referred straight to Greater Manchester Police without any further comment from Oldham Council officers. 

Speaking on the state of environmental services, councillor Sykes said, “When Labour slashed the budget for our parks and green spaces back in February, they promised residents that no one would notice any change in services.”

“Now we’re in July and we’re seeing weeds growing everywhere, public bins going missing in parks and flower beds going unplanted and unloved all summer.”

“Labour are not only failing on the basics, they are also taking extreme measures to avoid even being questioned on their decisions.  This attitude shows contempt for the people of Oldham Borough and we deserve so much better.”

Oldham Council have yet to formally publish the questions from opposition members or the answers on the council website.   

Questions to the Leader from Councillor Sykes

Q1 Leaders Question: Environmental Services 10/07/24

Thank you, Mr Mayor,
At this year’s budget meeting in February, the Labour Group slashed funding for our Environmental Services.
They told us all that their cuts wouldn’t have any impact on the services our residents receive. 
Now that we’re in July it’s a very different story. 
Over the last few weeks, we’ve had disappearing bins in Dunwood Park. Weeds growing out of control while the Council still can’t find a contractor. 
To deal with that, they’ve moved over staff from our parks and street sweeping making both look unloved and shabby and that work is now not done. We’re well into summer now and long past the longest day, yet our barrier planters haven’t been replanted for summer, and I suspect they will not be.  And as usual no one has the curtesy to even let us know. This Council has an appalling record when it comes to environmental crime. It is well documented that under Labour, this Council has failed to enforce littering, fly-tipping and dog fouling offences. Just look at all the figures they speak for themselves please quote for all three offences for the last 2-3 years and prove me wrong? And that was before these recent cuts and job losses that Labour delivered in their budget and which some of the so-called Independents now clearly support. So, does the Leader still stand by what she said? Does she think Labour’s cuts have no impact on people? Or does she accept that her administration is failing on the very basics, leaving Oldham Borough looking shabby and neglected?

Q2 Leaders Question: Greater Manchester Police iOps 10/07/24

Thank you, Mr Mayor,
Police officers and victims of crime across Oldham Borough and Greater Manchester continue to be let down because of GMP’s defective iOps IT system. 
iOps has been backed by the GM Mayor Andy Burnham with a whopping £29 million pounds of public money and counting. 
But police officers have complained to me about repeated failures since iOps was introduced in 2019. 
It takes ages to load, it crashes repeatedly, and it has even hidden data out of sight. 
Due to its failings, offenders have escaped prosecution and the victims of crime have been failed. 
Not for nothing has it been called i-Oops and i-Flops. 
IT failings were recognised to have played a role in the chaos that pushed Greater Manchester Police into special measures in 2021. Yet despite promises to scrap failing systems, GMP have stuck with iOps and officers and victims may have to put up with it for at least another year. 
What conversations is the Leader having with Greater Manchester Police and Mayor Burnham over these failings? When will iOps finally be replaced and the public of Greater Manchester get the policing service they are long overdue?
What is being done to ensure that data relating to the most serious crimes is being recorded and treated in a way that the public can have confidence in?
And crucially, who is going to pay the price for these failures?
Will she agree tonight to push Mayor Burnham not to put the cost onto the shoulders of the public by hiking his council tax precepts for policing yet again?


The Old Crompton Health Centre

The Old Crompton Health Centre.

I regret to inform people that the thieves and crooks have already had a go at this building since it became empty. There have been a couple of reports of people on the roof and people have accessed the boiler room.

Those responsible are aware of the situation and are doing their best to secure the building and are working with neighbours and the police to prevent this activity.

If you see any inappropriate activity report it immediately to the police, do not let a few mindless people bight our town and community.

Crompton Library – battle of the weeds

Crompton Library – battle of the weeds.

I am please to report the weeds and plants growing in the gutters of the Library have now been removed – a bit was missed and have been promised that will be dealt with.

I am also battling to get something done about the weeds around the Library at ground level and the footpath adjoining the Memorial Gardens which is a mess to say the least.

Liberal Democrats announce shadow cabinet team and other key roles as the real opposition while Oldham Labour cling to power

Liberal Democrats announce shadow cabinet team and other key roles as the real opposition while Oldham Labour cling to power.

Oldham Liberal Democrats have announced their official shadow cabinet line-up for the forthcoming year, which is sure to see political drama as Labour cling to power despite not controlling a majority of seats. 

The Liberal Democrats will continue as the largest opposition group after a vote to oust the Labour leadership lost by a single vote, when so-called Independent councillors opted to back the Labour administration in return for positions. 

Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “It is very clear that Labour have not learnt any lessons from their multiple defeats at the last few rounds of local elections.  They seem to think that they can carry on as usual if they simply offer a few grace and favour positions to the so-called Independents.”

“We have shown already that we will work in the interest of the people of Oldham and put their issues on the agenda.  Whereas Labour have already got off to a terrible start, cutting meetings short so that they can swan off to watch the football.”

“The Liberal Democrats have set out our priorities for the year ahead and we have a fantastic shadow cabinet team who are ready to fight to win every vote on the issues that matter to the people we represent.”

Following the local election results, which gave no party overall control of Oldham Council, the Liberal Democrats set out their priorities for the borough. 

1. Fight for a full public inquiry into historic child sex exploitation

2. Fight to remove Oldham from ‘Places for Everyone’ and protect our green spaces

3. Save Oldham Coliseum by keeping the theatre on Fairbottom Street, where it belongs

4.  Get the basics right by reversing Labour’s cuts to environmental services so that littering, dog-fouling, fly tipping and other offences can be dealt with properly


Group Leader: Councillor Howard Sykes MBE
Deputy Group Leader: 
Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani
Group Chair:
Councillor Dave Murphy
Group Secretary: Councillor Diane Williamson
Group Treasurer:
Hazel Gloster
Group Political Secretary: Councillor Garth Harkness
Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet 2024/25:

Building a Better Oldham: Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

  • Strategy & Performance
  • Transformation
  • Greater Manchester
  • Economic Growth & Regeneration
  • Capital Projects & Assets
  • Corporate Property & Assets
  • Communications
  • Bee Network Delivery

Value for Money & Sustainability: Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani

  • Finance
  • Climate Change & Green New Deal
  • HR & OD
  • Legal & Governance
  • IT, Digital and Transformation

Don’t Trash Oldham: Councillor Dave Murphy

  • Waste, Cleansing & Greenspaces
  • Public Protection (Environmental Health, Pest Control, Waste Enforcement, Building Control & Trading Standards)
  • Highways & Engineering
  • Emergency Planning

Children and Young People: Councillor Diane Williamson

  • Child Safeguarding
  • Children’s Social Care
  • Children’s Commissioning
  • Youth Service
  • Early Years
  • Early Help & Family Hubs

Adults Health & Wellbeing: Councillor Louie Hamblett

  • Adult Social Services
  • Adult Safeguarding
  • Adult’s & Public Health Commissioning
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Public Health
  • Integrated Care System Development

Education and Skills: Councillor Helen Bishop

  • Education & Skills
  • SEND
  • Apprenticeships
  • Lifelong Learning

Thriving Communities & Culture: Councillor Alicia Marland

  • Culture, Leisure & Sport
  • Libraries, Heritage & Arts
  • Night Time Economy
  • Visitor Economy
  • Resident Focus
  • VCSFE Sector
  • Customer Services
  • Justice & Community Safety
  • PBI & Districts

Decent Homes: Councillor Garth Harkness

  • Strategic Housing
  • Planning
  • Homelessness
  • Housing Needs
  • Housing Enforcement
  • Selective Licensing

Enterprise: Councillor Howard Sykes

  • Employment & Employability
  • Get Oldham Working
  • Business Support
  • Business Networking

Liberal Democrat Lead Members on Boards and Committees (Spokespeople in bold):
Licensing Committee:
Councillor Louie Hamblett & Councillor Helen Bishop
Audit Committee:
Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani & Councillor Howard Sykes
Planning Committee: Councillor Garth Harkness &Councillor Diane Williamson
Standards Committee:
Councillor Alicia Marland
Employment Committee:
Councillor Sam Al-Hamdani
Governance, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board:
Councillor Diane Williamson and Garth Harkness
Children, Young People & Families Scrutiny Board: Councillor Helen Bishop
Adults Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board:
Councillor Louie Hamblett
Place, Economic Growth and Environmental Scrutiny Board: Councillor Dave Murphy & Councillor Diane Williamson
Traffic Regulation Panel: Councillor Dave Murphy
Commons Registration Committee:
Councillor Helen Bishop
Charitable Trust Committee:
Councillor Alicia Marland

Appointments Committee: Councillor Howard Sykes

Appeals Committee: Councillor Louie Hamblett

Health and Well Being Board: Councillor Howard Sykes

Liberal Democrat District Leads:

East District Deputy Lead: Councillor Helen Bishop
North District Lib Dem Spokesperson: Councillor Diane Williamson

Buckstones Road CLOSED Emergency gas repairs expected to take approximately 5 days depending on investigations

Buckstones Road CLOSED Emergency gas repairs expected to take approximately 5 days depending on investigations.

The Oldham Borough Council has given notice that no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along that part of Buckstones Road from a point 220 metres south west and then south of its junction with Golden Street for a distance of 200 metres in a generally southerly direction

The restrictions are required to investigate and repair a gas leak and will be in force for a period of 21 days from the date of this notice or until the works are completed whichever is the lesser period. The works are expected to take 5 days.

The alternative route for those affected by the restriction shall be A663 Milnrow Road, A640 Huddersfield Road, A640 Rochdale Road and A672 Oldham Road.

Rochdale via Oldham Metrolink Line – Tram Disruption

Rochdale via Oldham Metrolink Line – Tram Disruption.

Due to land movement affecting the Metrolink track between the Derker stop and the Shaw and Crompton stop, no trams are currently able to operate between Rochdale Town Centre and Oldham Mumps on the Rochdale via Oldham Line until further notice. Engineers are currently carrying out further investigations.

Metrolink replacement bus service will operate between Rochdale Town Centre and Oldham Mumps. This will be approximately 5 buses serving all stops and will run every 20 minutes until further notice.

From 28 July until 27 August, there are road works in place near Oldham Way between 8pm until end of service. Between 8pm and end of service on these dates, buses will need to operate on diversion and may not run to schedule. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your journey.

Further information and travel advice for customers can be found on the dedicated customer web-page:


20 Years of Pride in Oldham!

20 Years of Pride in Oldham!

On the 20th July Oldham Pride will be celebrating 20 years of equality and diversity with a huge party and parade!

At 12pm the parade will leave from outside Billingtons on Ascroft St and snake its way through Oldham Town Centre before arriving at the Queen Elizabeth Hall around 12:45 for the start of the party, market stalls, bar, food, rides and activities for all.

The parade will be led by a samba band followed by Oldham Pride with Fifi Olivia The Pink Owl and many other organisations, mascots, acts and representatives from local groups.

Cllr. Hamblett who is the Current Chair of Oldham Pride said:

“Oldham Pride is so much more than a celebration; it has also traditionally been a protest. It is a way to demand better in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and a way to express the freedom to love without being oppressed and judged for it.”

He continued by saying: “It is a way to celebrate how far we have come and to bring all sides of our amazing borough together to celebrate, educate and show we don’t tolerate hate.

Twenty years seems such a long time and it’s surprising to see how much has happened but we have so much more to overcome if we are to live in a place that accepts people from every background.”

Councillor Hamblett finished by saying:

“I cannot thank our volunteers from Oldham Pride Committee enough, the support from the Council, our sponsors, those who donated gifts and all who are attending – each and every one of you help to make Pride very special.

I look forward to seeing everyone at Oldham and hope everyone enjoys themselves at what should be a fabulous event.”

There will also be a Sunday service at Oldham Parish Church as well as an artisan market and live music at Billingtons also on the Sunday to continue the Pride weekend.