Shaw Lib-Dem Councillor Howard Sykes, Joanne Lewis-Ryan, from Shaw and District Disabled Association and swimmers John Irlam, Rhona Lewis and Crompton Lib-Dem Councillor Diane Williamson.
Local Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors Howard Sykes and Diane Williamson, supported by local baths campaigners, have presented a petition to the Council signed by more than 2,000 people demanding that Oldham Council think again and do not close Shaw Baths.
Councillor Sykes said: “This petition shows the depth of anger felt by huge swathes of Shaw and Crompton people about the Labour run council’s blatant political decision to uproot their swimming and leisure facilities and move them to Royton.”
“We showed beyond all doubt in our fully costed Lib Dem Alternative Budget presented to the Council meeting on 22nd February 2012 that it was possible for the Council to provide new swimming/leisure facilities in both in Shaw and Royton”.
Councillor Williamson commented: “By showing that providing facilities in Shaw and Royton was affordable, we exposed the decision to leave the people of Shaw and Crompton out in the cold as cynical Labour politics and nothing else.”
“The public of Shaw and Crompton soundly rejected closure of Shaw Baths at the ballot box in May and for the second time in just over a month, have made it very clear they are going to battle against the closure plan.”
Councillor Williamson concluded: “Let the current administration be in no doubt, the people of Shaw are ready to fight tooth and nail on this and they have no intention of going away until the Council thinks again.”
NOTE: It was planned to have present the petition in June however in light of the tragic gas blast in Shaw councillors and campaigners decided to defer the ‘handing in’ by a couple of weeks. Hopefully the council will not be a jobs worth about this and will still formally note the petition prior to it considering it at next week’s full council meeting on 11th July.