marketing for workshop stART of writing applications
The stART of writing funding applications
Date:Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 5.30 – 7.30pm
Venue: Shaw Lifelong Learning, Meeting Room 2
Date:Thursday, 1 May 2014, 5.30 – 7.30pm
Venue: Royton Town Hall, Red Room and Meeting Room 2
This highly practical workshop will focus on making applications for smaller pots of funding including Oldham Co-operative Fund. It will look at the key points to include in a funding application, appropriate language and layout, preparing a project budget and identifying supporting information to accompany applications. Not only will this workshop give you hints and tips on creating a winning application, you will leave with tools to help you reduce your stress, improve your financial standing when it comes to finding, writing, and winning funding opportunities and will provide you with insight into the mindset of the people who make the funding decisions and what makes them tick.
By the end of this workshop you will:
• understand the key terms funders use and in what context
• be able to evidence the need for a project
• know how to develop relevant outcomes and outputs for potential projects
• be able to construct a viable budget for an application
Delivered by Voluntary Action Oldham
Voluntary Action Oldham provide help, information and guidance to voluntary, community and faith organisations across the borough of Oldham. From help starting up a new group, assisting in project planning and development, policies, business planning, financial management and funding, Voluntary Action Oldham is there to support you in every step of your group’s life.