Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, along with his colleagues for the area, has real concerns about Oldham Council’s so called proposals for the relocation of Shaw Market.
Councillors representing Shaw and Crompton together with local residents all want to see a thriving Market in our Town Centre with stalls selling a wide variety of keenly-priced, quality goods and with that “buzz” that a real Market has.
Local Councillors have been working hard for many years to get something done about the Market. We have been asking for investment in the Market and for measures to be taken to combat some of the anti-social behaviour that has been happening in this area at night.
Now against our express wishes, this Labour Council has chosen to ignore our views and consult on only two investment options.
1) To move the Market to Market Street and close it to traffic or
2) Move the Market to the Milne Street Car Park (immediately behind the Duke of York PH)
The option of redeveloping the current site is not even being considered as we wanted and local Councillors all oppose the Market Street option.
On the Market Street option: All of the Shaw and Crompton Ward Councillors have raised concerns that diverting traffic along Eastway will place the public in greater danger and will lead to traffic chaos.
Also how will traffic be prevented from driving up Market Street on the day it is closed?
Buses will be obliged to use Eastway in both directions on Market Thursdays and to make either a left turn onto Beal Lane and a right onto Milnrow Road or vice versa. Using Beal Lane will potentially bring these larger vehicles into conflict with the many heavy wagons that already use this roadway.
First Bus has confirmed that their existing services (58, 59, 181 and 182), amount to 13 vehicle movements in each direction every hour.
Moving the Market on to Market Street means that it would be impossible to have another Market Day or a different sort of Market on a monthly basis, like a farmers Market, even if there were the demand.
For both of the above reasons Local Councillors have dismissed this option.
And how many times does Oldham Council need to be told we do not want a pedestrian only (traffic free) Market Street? Last time they tried this there was uproar and the decision was reversed weeks later.
The Milne Street plan: This second proposal looks on the surface more sensible and was worthy of consideration and seeking traders and shoppers views on. This location would be close to both Aldi and Asda creating more foot fall and it doesn’t require any road closures or traffic diversions. The site also provides some room for an expansion in the number of stall-holders from the current cohort of some 14 loyal traders.
I believe though a third option – to revitalise the Market on its current site should still be on the table.
The consultation document to be issued by the Council to residents is clearly not going to include this option.
The Council has clearly stated that: ‘We will demolish the stalls on the existing market ground’ – no ifs or buts – ‘and the area would be used for car-parking’.
Local Councillors for years have called for action to address the anti-social behaviour that has occurred at night on the current site and now that this action by elected members, working with the police, Council officers, youth workers and the public, has started to get results; this Council is proposing to abandon the site altogether.
One might even think they want the existing Market site for some other purpose, possibly linked with the neighbouring Crompton Pool site?
Why else would you rule out the redevelopment of the historical site of Shaw’s Market, which will be by all accounts, the most cost effective and cheapest option compared to the others?”
Making the existing site a pop up Market and car parking the other six days, or moving it nearer to Asda and Aldi, again as a pop up and being car parking the other six days are the two options the people should be given to consider.
Local people need to be aware that their local Councillors do not support this consultation as it is incomplete and a sham as we have a real feeling people in other places have already decided the outcome.
This is a crying shame and Shaw deserves to be treated better. We want to make our position clear and would urge traders, shoppers and residents to do likewise.