traffic-lights-signI have just been informed of a gas leak at the above location that will require an emergency repair to be carried out today Thursday 19 February.

In order to accommodate the repair work, it will require four way temporary signals to be erected at the mini roundabout to control the flow of traffic in/out of the distribution centres as well as along Beal Lane.

The traffic signals will be manually operated between 7am-6pm in order to manage queue lengths, especially back towards the Metrolink crossing, and they are expecting the work to last one day.

It will also be necessary to remove parked vehicles along Beal Lane between Jubilee Street and Cheetham Street. To achieve this the contractor has been told to place no waiting cones and arrange a letter drop to the properties.

Given the volume of traffic going to/from the distribution centres and beyond to the residential areas it is hoped the above measures will keep disruption to a minimum, especially as it is half term, but some disruption is unavoidable.

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