The Leader of the Opposition and of the Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, has attacked the Labour Administration for spending money on painting the top of the lampstands in the Civic Centre car park green whilst voting through spending cuts to other services.
An incredulous Cllr Sykes observed the painters working at height to complete the job and, not believing his eyes, took a photograph to prove it.
Cllr Sykes said: “This is like an April Fool’s Joke come a month early.”
“At a time when the Council has to make cuts of millions of pounds to front-line services I would say that this is not a good use of Council Tax Payers’ money. The lampstands were previously silver/black and perfectly fine. I can only assume that the pigeons and seagulls who perch there must be a powerful lobbying group because I didn’t hear many citizens asking for it to be done.”
“This is the latest example of public money wasted.”
“In the context of saving millions of pounds, we need as a Council to look at everything we propose to spend money on and ask is it worth it. I believe that these lampstands could have remained silver. Even if just the top had not been painted who would have noticed or complained apart from the birds? An expensive ‘cherry picker vehicle’ and two men would then not have been required and this cash could have been saved for front-line services.”