Avoid traffic chaos and Save Shaw Market

Market HS

Oldham Council has had another change of heart about the relocation of Shaw Market.

At first Labour wanted to move the Market onto the South side of Market Street that joins High Street. Now they want to move it to the North side of Market Street adjoining Rochdale Road.

“The latest news is that the Labour Council will press ahead with its plans, with the Market moving shortly – or that is what we think as no one will give us a straight answer,” stated Councillor Howard Sykes.

Your local Lib Dem Team are campaigning to leave the Market where it is.

We want to see the cash Labour has allocated for the move spent instead on revitalising Shaw Market on its existing site by replacing the fixed market stalls with pop-up stalls on Market Day (Thursday) and removing the perimeter units.

“This solution will not only remove the shelter that attracts youths intent on anti-social behaviour but also provide more free car-parking on non-Market Days, therefore contributing to the general vitality of Shaw’s District Centre,” said Councillor Sykes.

“In addition our proposal also prevents the traffic chaos that will happen when Market Street is closed forcing all vehicles, including HGVs and buses, to use Eastway,” he added.

Please help support our campaign about the Market and sign our petition:


Market St CP sign Feb 2012 1

One thought on “Avoid traffic chaos and Save Shaw Market

  1. Christine Newton says:

    I have lived in High Crompton for 49 years. I have patronized Shaw Market and The Baths for a very long time.If you brought back the baths you would not have to move the market, because people who came to the market also used the baths, so it really does make sense to have the two going together.I used to use the baths 3 times a week even when the snow was on the ground. Why they can spend 37 million for all the things for OLDHAM really does make my blood boil, when Shaw cannot get anything.Only a man would come up to move the market, and get bus routes altered. OK for a week, but not for one day on a Thursday.
    Christine Newton.

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