Public Exhibition regarding the redevelopment of Cowlishaw Abattoir in Shaw

Liberal Democrat Crompton Councillor Diane Williamson, Shadow Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Co-operatives, is urging local residents to attend the second Public Exhibition regarding the redevelopment of Cowlishaw Abattoir in Shaw.

“On Wednesday 12 August (from 4:30pm to 6:30pm) in The Royal Oak Public House (Shawcroft Close OL2 7DA), I will be attending with my colleagues the Public Exhibition about the future proposals for Cowlishaw Abattoir.”

“I am really pleased that following on from a recent meeting with the planners, that they agreed to our suggestion to hold a second consultation event.  I urge local residents who will be affected by the proposed plans to attend so that they can again put forward any concerns they may have” said Councillor Williamson.

The previous proposals were for either the expansion of the existing abattoir or a possible housing development with the gifting of a country park.

The planner’s new proposals now include the removal of the abattoir and the development of part of the site for housing.  The amended plans take into account concerns made about the country park which has now been removed from the scheme.

Cowlishaw Abattoir flyer2


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