12 thoughts on “TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE BULLCOTE LANE, HEYSIDE – 25 August for 17 weeks

  1. Wayne says:

    There is not retaining wall to re construct, total waste of time!! and why not start it at the beginning of the school holidays saving us six less weeks of stress taking the kids to school. Ass holes!!!

  2. R Broadbent says:

    They should widen the road whilst they are working on it. It is used by so many vehicles now, some of them quite large vans, whose drivers don’t care if they catch your car whilst barging past. It is a particular problem when approaching the blind bend near the farm house on the left. Some come down the hill at such a speed, almost forcing others off the road.

    • howardsykes says:

      See my more recent posting on this which contains details of the scheme which does appear to address some of these concerns.

  3. roger hindle says:

    there was supposed to be some widening as well – this was supposed to happen whilst I was still on the council

  4. Tony says:

    Since when did planners think of the public

  5. paul says:

    As mentioned above,why couldnt this work have coincided with the school 6 weeks holidays as this would have less impacted on traffic, also more appropiate dry weather conditions & longer day light hours. These works will now go into Winter with restricted daylight hours and adverse weather conditions that will probably delay the works therefore delaying completion. Bull coat lane has been closed many times previously for weeks at a time so why was the work not completed then ???

  6. Barbara Ashworth says:

    Bullcote lane is the only direct route into both Shaw and Royton, if they are going to widen it why not make it a bus route as well. I’ve seen waggons and vans as big as a single decker using it so why not a bus. It wouldn’t hold any traffic up and might actually benefit the number of pedestrians, especially school children who use it daily.

    • howardsykes says:

      I think a bus service would be welcome by many, however this is a commercial decision for firms such as First Bus.

  7. Barbara Ashworth says:

    I coulld even forgive them for the nightmare treks over the tops and the traffic jams on Ripponden and Huddersfield road if they put on a circular via Shaw metrolink.It has to be worth a shot surely ???

    • howardsykes says:

      Again think it would be welcome but First Bus and others will only do if they think it makes commercial sense to them.

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