Bullcote Lane works

Road-Closure-Icon1The works on Bullcote Lane are to improve the facilities for pedestrians at locations where the road is particularly narrow and at the bends around intake farm.

At this location the highway will be widened to allow the construction of a footway.  However along this section three pairs of speed cushions will be installed to counter higher vehicle speeds that may result in the wider section of road. In addition to this the area of footway will be illuminated with the erection of a couple of streetlights. 

A fuller description of the proposals is this link: BullcoteLaneHighwayWideningandSafetyScheme



3 thoughts on “Bullcote Lane works

  1. ms t knuckey says:

    As a moorside resident can I ask with the weather not having been too bad as to why the works have not started as yet and all that seems to be happening are barriers are in place for residents in vehicles to move and drive around them?

    Can the residents affected have assurance that this will be completed within the assigned 16 weeks please?

    • howardsykes says:

      I will ask the question and share any response I get

    • howardsykes says:

      Cllr Sykes,

      Bullcote lane is going well and still on programme, due to finish on the 20th November 2015, regarding no activity I can assure you that works are ongoing. Because most of the works at present are retaining wall foundations works I assume that may be why the public may perceive little progress.

      kind Regards
      Nigel Molden
      Senior Engineer – Highways
      Unity Partnership
      Henshaw House
      Oldham OL1 1NY

      Telephone number 0161 770 1952

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