Crompton Hall, (on Buckstones Road, Shaw) – Saturday the 14th of May 2016


Friends of Crompton Moor will be doing some work in Crompton Hall, (on Buckstones Road/Shaw), this coming Saturday the 14th of May 2016.

This work will involve doing some woodland management tasks to help improve and maintain this popular green space area.

They will be meeting near the main gates on the Buckstones Road side at 10:30am.   The finish is ‘open ended’; in other words ‘stay as long as you wish’.

Sturdy shoes or boots are advised, along with working gloves, and if anyone has a spade or secateurs please bring them along, but don’t worry if you don’t possess any of these items as we do have some you can borrow.  (not the shoes or boots!)

If you have a couple of hours, one hour, or only half an hour, please come along and join us, and should you need any further information please do not hesitate to give us a call on 07792 156295.

Secretary – Friends of Crompton Moor.  07792 156295.

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