Former Crompton Ambulance Station, Moor Street, Shaw

north-west-ambulance-service-slideYou may recall we met late last year to discuss Crompton ambulance station.

As you know, it has been closed for some time and ambulance crews have been using Oldham station as their base. This has had no negative impact on performance and response times and in fact, we have seen a very small improvement in response times in the area.

This week, the Trust’s Estates Programme Board agreed that Crompton’s ambulance should continue to operate from Oldham and that the Trust Board should consider the sale of the site. In the meantime, the Service is also looking at alternatives for Oldham station which is also in need or extensive repair. One likely proposal is to jointly share premises with Greater Manchester Fire Service, although discussions are at a very early stage.

We are aware that the Crompton site is attracting ant-social behaviour and we are securing the building as well as we can.

I appreciate it isn’t a great deal of new information for you but I was aware that it has been some time since I updated you.

I will confirm what decision the Board has made at the end of October, in the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maddy Edgar, Senior Communications Manager, North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Headquarters, Ladybridge Hall, 399 Chorley New Road, Bolton BL1 5DD

3 thoughts on “Former Crompton Ambulance Station, Moor Street, Shaw

  1. Graham A Houghton says:

    Is this building for sale

  2. Amanda Platt says:

    What is happening to this building.I live near it and it’s a disgrace. The anti social behaviour it is attracting is at a dangerous level.Its an eyesore.It was so well cared for and to see it like this is heartbreaking.
    It’s just wrong for this to continue something has to be done and fast.
    Could you please update me as soon as possible regarding this issue as I am going to seek legal advice and take it to both the council and the police. Enough is enough.
    A very upset Shaw resident.

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