Copy of a letter I have sent to the key people who used to run the local RNLI


Re: Shaw, Crompton and Royton Branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

It was with much sadness I heard recently that the above has been disbanded but quite understand why.

Both I am my family will especially miss the American Tea, something I have managed to attend most years over the last 30.  Three generations of my family have attended and it is part of our history and happy memories!

I also have fond memories of door to door collections (supervised of course) as a teenager and much more recently being able to help out on collections at Tesco and Aldi.

I am also writing on behalf of ALL the community of Shaw and Crompton (and Royton) to express their appreciation for the service and hard work you and all associated with the local branch of the RNLI have done over many years.

You have raised thousands of pounds to support the RNLI as a result will have saved countless lives.  This is something you, the Committee and all associated with it need to be very proud of.

Please pass on my thanks and gratitude to all involved.

I am sad that this is the end of an era, and me and my family will definitely miss coming to the American Tea.

I wish you every success in the future.

Best wishes.

Howard Sykes

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