Your Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors have welcomed plans for people to be fined up to £400 if they fail to employ a licensed firm to take away their waste.
Fly-tipping is the bane of everyone’s lives and an issue that features highly in the complaints we receive. It is a blight on our environment and costs Oldham Council – and you – millions to clear it up. This is cash that could be better spent on looking after our elderly citizens or fixing our crumbling roads.
Please ask to see the licence of anyone you want to employ to take away your waste. You can also check the Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers register held by the Environment Agency online at
If you placed a camera at Shaw tram you would witness people discarding litter on the track. £400 per conviction
Good idea will ask why we cannot do this.
Two immediate replies I have had. Will keep on this.
From: Carol Brown
Sent: 16 April 2018 08:25
To: Howard Sykes
Subject: RE: Litter at Metrolink stops especially Shaw and Crompton
A couple of issues which fall out of the work to date on the use of CCTV one being that it is very heavy on time to watch hours of footage to catch the minute when the litter is dropped and then unless the “offender” is known all we have is a picture and limited opportunity to identify them.
I’m not dismissing the idea but it would need resourcing
Carol Brown
Director – Environmental Management
Oldham Council
Civic Centre, Level 3
West Street
From: Daniel Vaughan []
Sent: 16 April 2018 08:31
To: Howard Sykes; Carol Brown
Cc: Lisa Baguley
Subject: RE: Litter at Metrolink stops especially Shaw and Crompton
Hi Howard,
I have to agree with you. Cleanliness has been very poor, particularly in the off-stop areas where we seem to have an accumulation of litter at the moment and a lot of fly-tipping. It is something I have raised with the Operator, KAM and I am assured there is a programme ongoing to clean it up, so we should see an improvement.
On the fly-tipping front, we have been trying to identify individuals from CCTV. I am told that it is not a matter for police, rather up the private landowner to pursue – so in most cases either Metrolink or Oldham. We have had reports from residents about particularly persistent offenders and we have sought legal advice as to our options.
In the meantime I will be keeping the pressure on to get the areas cleaned up.
Hopefully, once Shop direct has closed the littering at the tram station will reduce drastically. You can follow the littering trail into the entrance.
In the meantime, a CCTV camera with large warning signs in multiple languages would surely be a deterrent .
Fly tipping is a huge headache in several areas within Shaw. I suggest Shaw Parish Council invest in a couple of camouflaged wildlife motion sensor cameras to be placed in strategic positions where Fly tipping takes place.
The Jubilee colliery nature reserve car park for instance. A camera placed discreetly to catch offenders in the act.
I believe the cameras to be around £70.