The Planning Inspector has just published his decision (see link below) to grant the above filling station. This is despite representations by local residents, local Councillors, and Oldham Council.
Below is the decision in full:
ASDA Appeal Decision – 3195812
Despite the application initially being refused by the Oldham Council Planning Committee due to the disturbance this development will cause to residents who live directly opposite, the recommendation by Council Highways Officers of the potentially dangerous effect this development would have on Shaw’s road system, and the loss of recycling facilities which Asda made no provision for, the Inspector has decided to allow the appeal, but has strengthened and enhanced the planning conditions proposed including timing and junction alterations as well as maintaining the provision of a recycling facility.
Having spoken to local residents to inform them of the news, they are bitterly disappointed and believe that this development will undoubtedly affect their quality of life being only some 13 metres away from their homes.
The communities of Shaw and Crompton were always divided on this application, whereas some welcomed the likelihood of cheaper fuel, others recognised the detrimental effect to the neighbours and road system, as well as increased congestion at peak times.
Although Liberal Democrat Shaw Ward councillors are disappointed at the outcome of the appeal, they are pleased that the Inspector has retained and increased the planning conditions imposed upon Asda before the development can begin.
Absolutely ridiculous. Someone has obviously had their palm crossed with silver. Looking forward to seeing the congestion caused by traffic, oil tankers, lorries etc. Those poor residents have my deep
est sympathies. It’s absolutely disgusting!!