Oldham Council’s so-called review means District Executives will be scrapped, power centralised and local spending/projects cut

The Leader of the Opposition and Liberal Democrat Group on Oldham Council, Councillor Howard Sykes, MBE, has hit out at the Labour Council’s latest proposals to scrap the seven District Executives and centralise power back to the Civic Centre.

Councillor Sykes said: “The Labour Administration claims to have a commitment to co-operative working and to empowering Ward Councillors as ‘local leaders’, yet, in recent proposals to be put before Councillors at Wednesday’s Annual Council meeting (22 May), Labour is proposing to scrap all seven District Executives and return power to the Executive.”

“The Liberal Democrats have a strong commitment to devolving power and money to local councillors and local people so that they can work together in partnership to identify and address the local needs and priorities of their own community through having access to a devolved budget and a dedicated team of officers.  District Executives were the public and accountable mechanism through which we did this across the Borough.”

At present, there are seven District Executives – East Oldham, West Oldham, Chadderton, Failsworth and Hollinwood, Royton, Saddleworth and Lees, and Shaw and Crompton.

Under Labour’s proposals, the District Executives and their annual budgets will be scrapped, taking away £400,000 from local areas.  Instead Labour has proposed that each of the sixty Councillors receives £6,000 instead of £5,000 to spend on local priorities and that a one-off £500,000 Local Improvement Fund be created into which Districts can bid for.

“No wonder these plans were kept under wraps until after the local elections,” stated Councillor Sykes.  “Put bluntly, this means Labour will abolish local control and take a net £340,000 every year away from local communities.”

Councillor Sykes added: “Labour’s £500,000 Local Investment Fund is a one-off fund, and there is no guarantee that it will be distributed evenly across the districts.  Local councillors know their patches best and are accountable to their citizens.  My guess is that, as the fund will be managed by three Labour Cabinet Members, it will only go to Labour’s pet projects.  Also what is the plan when the cash is spent!”

“I am not opposed to the Council taking back money from District Executives that remains unallocated or unspent.  In fact it is scandal that some areas have not spent their cash.  This proposal seems grossly unfair to District Executives, such as Chadderton, Royton, Saddleworth and Lees, and Shaw and Crompton, which are making prompt and proper use of the money that is allocated to them and doing so transparently by making decisions in public meetings.”

Councillor Sykes concluded: “The Liberal Democrats will therefore be proposing a series of amendments to the report being presented to Wednesday’s Council.  First and foremost we want to see District Executives remain in place, with their existing budgets, but with the money that remains unallocated in some of the Districts clawed back for use elsewhere within the Council budget.  If Labour are opposed to this, and District Executives are abolished that the same amount of money remains available to local councillors to meet local needs.  Also, despite assurances the report currently does not provide a timescale, we would like to see the Labour Administration at least make a commitment to start a comprehensively review the arrangements that are put in place by September 2019 at the latest.”ENDS/…

The amendments detailed below and link to report:


Item 12

Amendment 1 – that the recommended option approved by Council be:

1.   Continue with District Executives as currently constituted, with the attached revenue and capital budgets.   Remove any unallocated revenue, capital or elected member budgets from the 2018/2019 financial year or previous financial years and claw these back into the central budget.   Create a Local Improvement Fund.   Review the current arrangements once the multi-agency decision making teams are in place or no later than September 2019.  

Proposed by: Councillor Diane Williamson

Seconded by: Councillor Garth Harkness

Amendment 2 – that the recommended option approved by Council be:

1.   Dis-establish District Executives with immediate effect, but retain the current revenue and capital budgets.   Establish the District Lead Role.   Remove any unallocated revenue, capital or elected member budgets from the 2018/2019 financial year or previous financial years and claw these back into the central budget.   Create a Local Improvement Fund.   Review the current arrangements once the multi-agency decision making teams are in place or no later than September 2019.  

Proposed by:  Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

Seconded by:  Councillor Hazel Gloster

Amendment 3 – that the recommended option approved by Council include the words:

‘Review the proposed arrangements once the multi-agency decision making teams are in place or no later than September 2019.’

Proposed by:  Councillor Dave Murphy

Seconded by:  Councillor Chris Gloster

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