Councillor Diane Williamson who is leading the fight on behalf of the Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat team against this loss of local GP surgery.

Over the last week there has been rumours about the closure of Dr Pal’s surgery on Trent Road, High Crompton.  The first the Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillors heard about this was when it was highlighted to one of us at the end of last week.

It was a great concern to all six Councillors, because Crompton ward, which covers this area and others, has the highest population of elderly residents, some of whom are socially isolated and some who prefer to use local facilities.

Councillor Williamson, Liberal Democrat District Lead for Shaw and Crompton wrote to the Parks Medical Practice, in Royton which is the main Practice of Dr Pal’s, seeking clarification about this decision which allegedly would see the Practice in High Crompton close in September – this is according to some sources.

“I have been reassured by the Clinical Commissioning/Chief Operating Officer of the Clinical Commissioning Officer, that no decision has been made by the CCG as no application has been received from the branch of Dr Kohl’s Parks Medical Practice.  However, he did confirm that they have been approached by the Practice of the branch, citing a number of factors around the suitability of the site for the ongoing provision of safe and accessible services” said Councillor Diane Williamson, Crompton Councillor.

We are thinking about the elderly residents that are registered at Dr Pal’s or those people who cannot drive or other medical conditions, causing mobility issues.  If this surgery closes, then this would mean that those patients would be transferred to Royton.

“I used to be registered at one of the Practices at the Royton Health and Wellbeing Centre and I can vouch that it is a nightmare getting back home, because at the time, I used public transport.  I have previously waited for an hour after I have come out of seeing my GP.  It is not good enough for our residents” said Cllr Williamson.

In the letter Cllr Williamson received from the CCG she has been informed that the practice intends to hold a consultation exercise to canvass the views of their patients and stakeholders before deciding to apply to the CCG to close the branch.  All patients registered at Trent Road will be written to, inviting them to participate in the consultation.

“What is required is a conversation with the patients of Trent Road Practice as to whether they wish to transfer to the Royton Practice, if the CCG allow the practice to be closed.  I will be asking that included in that consultation there is a conversation with Crompton Health Centre’s two practices to see if they could accommodate any patients who wish to be registered at a local practice in Shaw town centre, which is easier to get to with public transport” said Councillor Williamson.

“We really do hope that patients are not inconvenienced by any changes but will support them whatever their decisions are” Cllr Diane Williamson added.


  1. Judith Anne Magee says:

    It is my understanding that the Care Quality Commission have raised questions over the suitability of Trent Rd to remain a Drs Surgery. They are requiring them to have larger premise, more suitable access, and offer more services ie nurse. Adhering to these requirements would put a strain on the practice. All very unfortunate for everyone concerned.

  2. Judith Anne Magee says:

    I wish to point out that it is Care Quality Commission that want the Drs Surgery on Trent Rd to implement changes. They want them to get bigger premises to accommodate wheelchair access,a nurse and other facilities,.which at the moment in time are not feasible for the practice.
    This is very unfortunate for the Practice and their patients if it has to close.I hope every avenue available will be explored

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