URGENT changes to bin collections from Monday 30/03/20

The Council have made the difficult decision to introduce temporary changes to bin collections.

From Monday residents will be asked to only put out their grey/black bin on their usual day which will be collected weekly.

No other bins will be collected for the time being with people asked to include food and recyclable materials in the grey/black bin.

Side waste will not be picked up.

If the grey/black bin is not emptied, we are asking people to take it back into their property for it to be collected the following week.

The measures are designed to ensure that we can still maintain basic collections during a period of significant staff shortages.

Arkwright Street Household Waste Recycling Centre, and the other sites across the area, have been closed by Recycle for Greater Manchester following the government announcement that people should stay at home.

The Council is working with GMCA to try and get the centre’s re-opened as soon as possible and we will keep you updated on this.

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