Liberal Democrats call to safely reopen Oldham’s waste site – if it good enough for Wigan it is good enough for the rest of GM

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE, Liberal Democrat and Opposition Leader Oldham Council, has written to Oldham Council Bosses to reopen local waste sites in Oldham Borough.

“Other authorities across the UK are still providing these services.  Wigan Borough Council has now reopened its refuse facilities why can the rest of Greater Manchester (GM) Councils do the same,” asks Councillor Sykes.

He wants Oldham Council to follow suit in a safe and orderly manner. 

These calls have come following a month of lockdown closures from the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  There has also been a severe spike in fly tipping across the region.

“If it is good enough for Wigan then it is good enough for Oldham, stated Councillor Sykes.  “I really do hope these pleas are listened to and actioned in a safe and controlled manner so we can get back on track with normality.”

Copy of email:

From: Howard Sykes
Sent: 20 April 2020 11:52
Subject: Please reopen Oldham’s and other GM waste sites to get things back on track

Councillor Sean Fielding, Leader of Oldham Council and Dr Carolyn Wilkins, Chief Executive of Oldham Council

Dear Councillor Fielding and Dr Wilkins,

Please reopen Oldham’s and other GM waste sites to get things back on track

I hear that Wigan has reopening its waste and refuse facilities for local people, whereas in Oldham Borough and the other eight local authorities in what was GM Waste, we are still not doing.  All the current Civic Amenity Sites (tips and recycling centres) across Greater Manchester have been shut due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

We have already seen the clear impact this has had on fly tipping and littering – it has gone through the roof.

Many authorities across the country are keeping vital waste services running for residents.  Why cannot Greater Manchester do this?  Wigan Council have just re-opened three of their sites why can the rest of Greater Manchester, inc Oldham, do the same?

We can follow the correct guidelines and follow a safe and sensible approach to reopening waste sites and civic amenities.  By doing that, we can reduce the negative fallout stemming from this awful global pandemic.  There has been a spike in fly tipping in the region and waste sites have been closed for almost a month now.

It will also reduce pressure on our continuing domestic waste collections, resulting in less material in the grey bin – currently the only bin being collected.

People are following the lock down advice and staying at home.  As a result, gardens are being manicured as never before; lofts, sheds and garages are being tided; and permitted odd jobs and DIY are being undertaken at home.  All of these generate waste that needs to be dealt with – continuing home storage is not an option for many people.

We need to trust people to act responsibly when using re-opened sites – may be combining a trip to the tip with a visit to the supermarket.  Those than do not conform to whatever guidelines need to be in place to allow our tips to operate need to be firmly dealt with.

Residents need us to put pressure on Suez (the operator of these sites) to follow best practice from other waste operators to get Oldham back on track in this key area.  We do not want to cause more public health issues, especially ones that can be avoided.

I do hope very active consideration is given to my suggestion – it would be welcomed by thousands of law-abiding citizens.

Best wishes and stay safe.

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE

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