Civic Appreciation Award 2020

This year’s recipient of the Civic Appreciation Award is Mrs Myra Wyers in recognition of her significant voluntary contribution and dedication to the local community and borough of Oldham.

Myra has been involved with many local charities including Oldham Disability Alliance, Oldham Disability Arts Group and Action Together.

She is a great supporter of the Mayoralty and the Mayor’s charitable causes.

Myra is a great champion of disability rights in Oldham.

Myra started the Oldham Disability Arts Group over 30 years ago in the then disability centre, New Vale House.  

She was instrumental in getting its replacement, the Link Centre, built and played a big part in planning the design of the building to make sure it was accessible for people with a range of disabilities.

When the function of the Link Centre changed a few years ago, Myra fought to keep the Oldham Disability Arts Group going in the centre and they still meet several times a week to do handicrafts, painting and to share social time.

Myra is herself a wheelchair user but gives of her time, her creativity and her money to support people through organising and leading the Oldham Disability Arts Group and some of them she supports personally.

Myra was voted Oldham Woman of the Year 1999, and Volunteer of the Year by Voluntary Action Oldham in 2000.

She is a very fitting recipient of our Civic Appreciation Award and the Liberal Democrats are very happy to support it!

So, move Madame Mayor.

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