Education statue in the Crompton Memorial Gardens

Pleased to report this has now been replaced.

See the link below if you wish to read what the display board says and the history of Shaw’s education statue.

This is something I was very proud to get relocated into the Memorial Gardens a number of years ago.

The Education Statue is a replica of one of four supporting statues which feature on the Gladstone’s memorial on the Strand, London (the statues include Courage, Brotherhood, Aspiration and Education and are intended to be a reflection of Gladstone’s strengths).

The Gladstone’s memorial commemorated the Prime Minster and statesman William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) and was completed by Humo Thornycroft in 1905 (Manning 1982). The copy of ‘Education’ was purchased by James Cockcroft, a local businessman and councillor, who presented and unveiled it to the people of Shaw and Crompton in 1919 (PMSA MR/OLD27, Wyke 2004, 296).

Cockcroft was a strong supporter of public libraries and requested that the memorial be placed in the entrance hall of Crompton local library to be ‘an inspiring object to the youth, and I hope, the adults of our village’ (PMSA MR/OLD27, Wyke 2004, 296).

The sculpture was unveiled in July 1919 together with a plaque which read:
‘Presented by James William Cockcroft as a token of love and respect for his native village and in grateful acknowledgment of many benefits received by him’

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