Time to say thanks to our schools and education staff, say Oldham Liberal Democrats

At Wednesday’s full meeting of Oldham Council (24 March), the Oldham Liberal Democrats will be proposing all Councillors give a big vote of thanks to Oldham’s school and education staff after a year in which they have been hard at work delivering tuition in the most trying post-war circumstances.

Saddleworth North Liberal Democrat Councillor Garth Harkness is proposing the motion.  He works in an academy in Manchester with pupils with special needs and knows from first-hand experience how hard his Oldham colleagues will have been working through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking of the motion, Councillor Harkness said:  “Everyone will be aware that all students have now returned to their classrooms and workshops from March 8 of this year, but some people will be unaware that teachers and education staff have in fact been working hard throughout the year-long pandemic, delivering learning in new and innovative ways.  Often this has been online learning with pupils in a virtual classroom and sometimes it has been in-class tuition with the children of key workers or children unable to study at home.”

“Despite the difficulties, educators and those many staff who support them in their work, from caretakers to school meals staff to administrators, have continued to work with the utmost professionalism and dedication, and the Oldham Liberal Democrats now think it’s time for Oldham Council to say a big thanks!”

Shaw Liberal Democrat Councillor Hazel Gloster will be seconding the motion.

Motion – Thanking our Schools and Education Staff

Council shares the delight of children, parents and guardians that pupils and students have finally been able to return to their schools and colleges during the week commencing 8 March. Children and young people will be glad to be back with their teachers and their friends after a year of home schooling and distance learning that has been very difficult for everyone involved.

Council recognises that teachers and other school and college staff across the whole of the United Kingdom, whether employed at primary, secondary or tertiary level, have demonstrated extraordinary professional commitment and dedication in continuing to deliver an excellent education, whether at the chalk-face or online, to our children and young people in the face of great uncertainty and despite the most adverse conditions faced by such professionals since 1945.

Council further recognises that in schooling the children of other ‘key workers’ teachers and other school staff have enabled their parents to carry on doing their essential duties that have saved our lives, supplied us with our daily bread and kept our nation functioning, all the while knowing that their children are safe and being nurtured and cared for.

Council recognises that Oldham has sadly been very hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and operational difficulties in education have been especially challenging.

Consequently, Council wishes particularly to praise those school and college staff who have been working at schools, academies and colleges across the Borough of Oldham.  Such staff include teachers, teaching assistants, catering, cleaning, and caretaking staff, midday supervisors, office support staff, head teachers, child care club staff, volunteers, and anybody else who has helped to keep our educational establishments open for key workers or who has supported distance learning.

Council believes that parents, guardians and siblings involved in supporting their children and young people in their distance learning will have developed a deeper appreciation of the work that our professional educators do on a day-to-day basis, particularly in these challenging times.

Council therefore resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write to the local representatives of the professional bodies and trades unions for the teaching and ancillary professions to pass on these sentiments and our thanks for a job well done after one year of Lockdown.

Proposed by: Councillor Garth Harkness                                  

Seconded by: Councillor Hazel Gloster

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