Metrolink – overnight track works near the Westwood tram stop and temporary closure of the Oldham Rochdale line between Rochdale and Freehold (Sunday 4 July)

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and the Metrolink operator KeolisAmey (KAM), regularly carry out maintenance, repairs and renewal work to track, overhead electric wires and other vital equipment to improve the travelling experience and service to passengers.

Essential track replacement work is due to be carried out on the curved track as the tram leaves the Westwood Metrolink stop close to Winterbottom Street. Initial preparation work will be carried out overnight between midnight and 5:00am from Monday 28 June to Saturday 3 July.

Works will then continue and the Metrolink line will close from after the last tram at 1:00am on Sunday 4 July until the first tram in service at 4:30am on Monday 5 July 2021.

During the works on Sunday 4 July there will be no tram services between Rochdale town centre and the Freehold Metrolink stop. A bus replacement service will be in operation and temporary signage in place to direct passengers.

Due to the proximity of the Metrolink works to the track, overhead electric wires, and the need to use Road Rail Vehicles, 24 hour working will be required throughout this period when trams are not running. This will ensure that site fencing and traffic management can be set up and the repairs completed as quickly as possible to minimise disruption to the local community and travelling passengers.

If you require information regarding the Metrolink works, please contact the Customer Relations team on 0161 244 1000, or emailing Further travel information can be found on the TfGM website:

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