Liberal Democrats say Council needs to get tougher on HMOs

In their response to the consultation on the Oldham Local Plan, Liberal Democrat Councillors have called on Oldham Council to get tougher on HMOs, or houses of multiple occupation, by seeking an Article 4 direction, a legal device which will require all HMOs to have planning permission.

HMOs often involve conversions of former pubs and shops, with occupants each having bedrooms, but sharing bathrooms, kitchens and living spaces. Currently smaller HMOs providing less than six bedrooms do not require planning approval.  A borough-wide Article 4 direction would withdraw these ‘permitted development rights’ and mean that all HMOs need planning permission.

Shaw Councillor Chris Gloster recently spoke at a meeting of the Planning Committee, opposing a proposal to convert the former Weavers Answer pub in Shaw into a HMO. He said: “HMOs are very controversial; local people are concerned about anti-social behaviour, noise, litter and blight.  Requiring every HMO to have planning approval will mean that residents, neighbouring businesses and ward councillors will have the chance to have their say whenever an HMO is proposed in a neighbourhood, and some will be refused permission because of their representations.” 

The Liberal Democrats also want to see every HMO application include a Statement of Community Engagement, outlining how the applicant will consult with the local community in the period between planning approval and the completion of the project; a risk assessment, identifying how any risks associated with operating the HMO, such as anti-social behaviour will be managed; and a long-term commitment to consult with the host community.

“We believe these are reasonable expectations that any responsible landlord operating an HMO will readily take on board”, added Councillor Gloster. “HMO operators need to establish a partnership with their neighbours and ward councillors if they are to work, and not become a blight and a nuisance for those who live around them”.

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