Shaw and Crompton advice centres allowed to re start at last

Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrats are delighted to announce that their ward surgeries are starting up again, from 9 September 2021.

“We have been missing the interaction (face-to-face) with our residents over the last 18 months, but due to all the COVID-19 restrictions, and the various lockdowns,” said Cllr Diane Williamson, Shaw and Crompton District Lead.

On numerous occasions the local Liberal Democrat Councillors, made up of Hazel Gloster, Dave Murphy, Chris Gloster, Louie Hamblett, Howard Sykes and Diane Williamson asked about the restarting of ward surgeries.  It was only on Thursday 27 August that the information confirming they could re-start was communicated to them.

“I am delighted that the Council has recognised the importance of the community leadership role that local Councillors have.  No appointments are necessary for our ward surgeries – just turn up and you will be seen,” added Cllr Diane Williamson, Liberal Democrat Councillors for Crompton Ward.

For information Shaw and Crompton Ward Surgeries will start on 9 September and run every Thursday through to 16 December at Shaw Lifelong Learning Centre, High Street, Shaw, Oldham OL2 8TB.  7:30pm to 8:30pm.

Cllr Williamson added “Whilst restrictions have been lifted, if you feel more comfortable wearing a face covering, then please do so.  We look forward to welcoming you on 9 September.”

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