Six out of nine Conservative Councillors missing from Council meeting

Oldham & Saddleworth’s Liberal Democrat councillors have said local Conservatives have got questions to answer after six of their nine councillors failed to attend the first council meetings to be held after the local elections.

Mark Kenyon, Liberal Democrat councillor for Grotton, Springhead & Lees, said: “I’m sure decent Conservative voters in this town will join the rest of us in wondering when Conservative councillors will actually turn up to do the job they’d promised voters they’d do – there’s important questions to ask about Clean Air Zone (CAZ), Labour waste & the investment our town and districts sorely need”.

Conservative deputy leader Beth Sharp, joins councillors Luke Lancaster, Dave Arnott and their newly elected colleagues Chris McManus, Robert Barnes & Lewis Quigg in skipping these first meetings held on Wednesday 25th May 2022.

Mark Kenyon concludes: ”People want change in this town – sadly we won’t get that if voters are selecting councillors like this. Yesterday evening the Conservative councillors either failed to turn up, or even worse, sided with Labour to give the Opposition less time to ask questions about issues like CAZ.”

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