RIP Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader Councillor Howard Sykes MBE has expressed deep sadness at the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. 

Councillor Sykes said, “Across Oldham and across the country people are saddened and shocked by the death of the Queen.  I have always admired Her Majesty for her commitment to public service and her dedication to our country.  It is now right that the nation will come together to mourn but also to celebrate her life and reign.”

“The Queen has been our Head of State for a remarkable 70 years and she has steered the country through enormous change in that time.  From the ruins of war, through periods of hardship and prosperity; and into the modern digital age.  When she first addressed the nation as a young princess, people listened to her on the wireless.  When she last spoke to her people as Queen her words were repeated in real time on social media platforms.  For many of us, the Queen has embodied modern Britain.”

“I had the pleasure of meeting the Queen in person when she presented me with my MBE a few years ago at Buckingham Palace.  What a great lady.”

“This is a huge moment in our history.  But our first thoughts should go to the Royal family.  While the nation is mourning a Queen, but they are mourning a mother, a grandmother; and a great-grandmother.”

“In particular, I want to send deepest sympathies to His Majesty King Charles.  The new King has the heavy burden of taking us into a new age.  I know that people will wish to show their support for him at this unimaginably difficult time.”

“God save the King!”

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