Liberal Democrats call on Oldham Council Leaders to find creative solutions for Oldham Coliseum Theatre

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has called on Oldham’s senior leadership to step up efforts to support the Oldham Coliseum Theatre. 

In November, the long-established Fairbottom Street theatre announced that it had not been successful in its bid to secure Arts Council funding; and that jobs and the future of the theatre were at stake.

Councillor Sykes has written an open letter to The Leader of Oldham Council – Amanda Chadderton, and Oldham Council Chief Executive Harry Catherall – calling on the Council to offer more support.

Councillor Sykes said, “The Oldham Coliseum is one of Oldham’s most treasured institutions.  It has a first-rate reputation across Oldham Borough and far beyond.  I’ve called on Oldham Council to show leadership in lobbying the Arts Council and the government on the Coliseum’s behalf as well working with the Theatre to explore new avenues for funding.  We must do everything to make sure the Coliseum secures its future.”

The Oldham Coliseum, which boasts over 135 years of history, is one of only a handful of producing theatres in the Northwest and its annual pantomime – which is currently showing – enjoys national acclaim.  The theatre is reliant on ‘Investment Programme’ funding from Arts Council England, which has not been continued as part of the Arts Council’s latest funding round.

Councillor Sykes said, “It is important that the Arts Council hear the dismay that their decision has caused across Oldham from every corner of the community; and this should include our civic leadership.  But we must also think creatively and explore all options to make sure the Theatre can continue its programme well into the future.  This could include crowdfunding, which is something Oldham Council could offer practical communications support with.” 

Letter is below

Harry Catherall
Chief Executive, Oldham Council

Councillor Amanda Chadderton  
Leader of Oldham Council

Dear Mr Catherall and Councillor Chadderton,

I am writing in relation to the concerning developments affecting the Oldham Coliseum Theatre.  You will be aware of the Arts Council’s regrettable decision not to include the Coliseum in its Investment Programme, placing jobs and the future of one of Oldham’s most treasured institutions at risk.  I am sure you will agree that Oldham Council must do everything possible to support the theatre at this time. 

I am therefore writing to urge the senior leadership of our Borough to do three things.

Lobby the Arts Council

Oldham Council must add its voice to the growing number of residents, actors, writers, and patrons who have joined the Oldham Coliseum in petitioning the Arts Council.  You will be aware that the cast of the “Robin Hood” Pantomime met on Wednesday 16th November; and called on the Arts Council to save Oldham Coliseum.  Council leaders must write to the Arts Council in asking that the Coliseum’s position be reconsidered.

It is important that the Arts Council hear the dismay that their decision has caused across Oldham from every corner of the community; and this should include our civic leadership.  The strength of feeling this decision has generated for the Oldham Coliseum should be remembered when the Arts Council comes to make future funding decisions.

Making the case to the Government

Efforts must also be made to raise the profile of this issue with central government.  You may be aware of the protest that did take place outside the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) in London.  Oldham Council’s senior leadership must make representations to DCMS by writing to Secretary of State, Michelle Donelan. 

With the Qatar World Cup underway, Oldham’s representatives must shout that much louder to be sure that the Coliseum’s plight is heard and acted on. 

Exploring funding solutions

The Council must also work in close partnership with the Coliseum to aid in the development of alternative funding avenues for the Theatre.  This should include a strategic discussion about crowdfunding and any communications support that Oldham Council could offer.  

The Oldham Coliseum boasts a wealth of high-profile former performers, directors, and writers.  The Theatre enjoys a stellar reputation across the North of England and beyond.  It’s pantomime – which is currently in full swing – is highly regarded around the country.  If the theatre is supported by the Council’s communications team and others, it is conceivable that a crowdfunding campaign to “Save Oldham Coliseum” could gain a lot of traction.

I hope that you will consider the points above and act with urgency to support one of Oldham’s greatest cultural assets.

As always happy to discuss how we can work together to progress this matter.

Best wishes, 

Councillor Howard Sykes MBE 

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