Cost-of-living: Liberal Democrats to set out plan for enhanced winter care packs and free school meal support as ‘harsh winter’ hits Oldham 

Oldham’s Liberal Democrat Opposition group will call on Oldham Council to provide enhanced winter care packs for vulnerable residents and step-up support for free school meals in primary schools.  The party will bring its proposals to a vote at Oldham’s full council meeting on Wednesday 14 December. 

Shaw Liberal Democrat councillor Hazel Gloster, who is proposing the motion, said, “Mistakes and mismanagement at the top of the Conservative party have caused chaos in the economy.  The people who will pay the price will be the most vulnerable in society.  That means the elderly, the sick; and children – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.”

“As councillors, we have a duty to make support available to those who need it.  The plan that the Liberal Democrats will set out at Council will make a real difference.  Winter care packs made up of essentials like hot water bottles, flasks, gloves, and blankets, complete with information about Council, charity services and other help.  This could make all the difference just as this harsh winter hits our communities.”

The Liberal Democrat motion also urges the Council to use some of its cost-of-living support package (announced in September) to support Oldham schools with the rising cost of food. 

Supporting the motion, Crompton Liberal Democrat councillor Diane Williamson said, “Free school meals are a hand-up for so many families in Oldham.  But the government has failed to fund school food budgets in line with inflation.  Add in the skyrocketing cost of keeping school buildings warm and its no wonder schools are telling us they are running out of money.”

“Liberal Democrats are calling on Oldham Council to support schools this winter and beyond, especially because free school meal budgets in Oldham have been slashed by £212,000 by the Conservative government.” 


For more on real-terms free school meal budget cuts My two allowed questions at tonight’s Oldham Council meeting – 7 Sept 2022 – concerning free school meals and transport

Liberal Democrat Motion in full

Free school meals and winter care packages

Proposed by: Councillor Hazel Gloster
Seconded by: Councillor Diane Williamson 

Council notes that:

Britain is currently experiencing a severe squeeze on living standards, with unprecedented pressures on household income coupled with rising prices of goods and fuel – all of which are causing hardship across every income bracket in every community. 

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine; Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have all put pressures on trade, leading to empty shelves in our shops and increased fuel prices. 

Decisions made by the Conservative government have resulted in panic in the stock-markets, causing the pound to plumet to its lowest ever value against the US dollar since the dollar was introduced in 1792.

We face national and international problems that require national and international solutions. 

Nevertheless, this Council believes that:

  • Local government can drive ambitious and impactful changes that makes a real difference in people’s everyday lives. 

  • This coming winter will be extremely difficult for many of our residents.  There is a need for Oldham Council to do more, by offering practical support for those who need it.

  • The administration’s £3m cost-of-living response package is welcome, however, with only £1.2m committed to be spent this calendar year it represents a missed opportunity to offer more real and meaningful support this winter.

This Council notes:

Free school meal provision helps improve the mental and physical health of children, whilst tackling childhood obesity, malnourishment, and driving up educational achievement.  A healthy meal at lunchtime allows children to concentrate in the afternoon, promotes the benefits of healthier eating; and makes a huge impact in tackling health inequalities.

Winter care packages – delivered to the vulnerable – would make a real difference to many who need support from this Council the most.  The Council should explore opportunities for funding and submit robust bids where there is funding available.  Every effort should be made to fund a winter care pack scheme for residents this winter, stocked with warm clothing, household essentials and information about key support services offered by the Council and other organisations.  

This council resolves to:

Explore opportunities to support Oldham’s primary schools with free school meal budget pressures as part of this Council’s cost-of-living support package and emerging priorities fund.  Especially seeking to ensure that the positive impact of free school meal provision is not offset by the Conservative government’s real terms cuts to school budgets in our Borough. 

Develop a winter care package scheme for vulnerable households this winter – offering warm clothing, household essentials, useful information about council services and support offered by other organisations; and a friendly knock on the door to our most vulnerable residents.

Explore opportunities to tackle digital isolation and loneliness in Oldham Borough – ensuring that staff/volunteers at libraries, community spaces and warm hubs are resourced to assist people who may not have access to the internet, need help to access the internet, and need help to access Council and other agencies services. 

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