Greater Manchester Policing Plan Update – my one allowed question

Full Council 14/12/22
Greater Manchester Policing Plan Update
Question from Howard Sykes Liberal Democrat Group Leader

I’d like to welcome your update to Council this this afternoon.

The question I ask is the same one I asked the last time we did this – when we will start to see a difference and more importantly when will the people we represent see and feel a difference.

Despite the valiant efforts of those police officers on the ground, it does not feel much different to me and my constituents as the ‘bad old days’ pre the new Chief Constable.

As elected representatives, one of the grievances the public raise with us the most is the lack of properly resourced community policing. 

I know from conversations with officers, that when fully operational, GMP in Oldham should have more than 30 officers across the Borough.  But at various points this year the staffing levels have dropped into the very low teens. 

What are the barriers to having our local force fully staffed and how do you see staffing pressures developing in 2023? 

The second part of my question tonight relates to the recent CSE Review.

In December 2018 this authority requested extra vetting help from GMP, with the head of licensing saying they had no faith in DBS checks. 

That request was acknowledged when the new Chief Constable was appointed in May 2021.

Since then, despite this Liberal Democrat Group chasing GMP via the Mayor Burham in August 22, and despite the question being put to  officers at Shadow Cabinet briefings in October, November, and December Council – officers have sadly confirmed that there has been no meaningful response from GMP.

When the head of licensing says they have no faith in DBS checks in 2018 and need help from GMP, how many years is it reasonable to wait for a constructive response to a plea for help?

2 thoughts on “Greater Manchester Policing Plan Update – my one allowed question

  1. Marian Herod says:

    Thanks for this Howard. I know of an incident last Saturday outside Shaw library, and I was appalled at the handling of this by the police. My neighbour, who is in his early 70’s, was attacked from behind with a punch that sent him sprawling to the ground. He’s very badly bruised, and lucky not to have banged his head. He called the police for help, but no-one attended. When he got home he reported it online, but all the help he received was cold disinterest. He received a log number, which everyone knows is now just a cop out, as their reporting system doesn’t work. The man who attacked him had almost hit him with his car, whilst driving at speed along Westway. The victim shook his fist and glared at the guy as he sped off. This obviously angered the driver, and he came looking for him. The victim was capable of making himself heard by the police by not giving up, and Sgt. Ingham called at his home to listen, check he was ok and apologised. We know Sgt Ingham wasn’t to blame for what had happened. It’s the ‘powers that be’ above him that are the problem and even Sgt. Ingam’s hands are tied as to what he can do about these sort of incidents. This was in the middle of the day by the way.
    Shaw is not a safe place anymore.

    • howardsykes says:

      Really sorry to hear about this.

      There is a real gap between what the cops high up tells us and my experience and that of my constituents.

      Will continue to battle for this we need more well trained officers on the ground and despite the recruitment that is going on this is going to take years rather than months and assumes they keep recruiting.

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