My two allowed leaders questions at last night Council meeting – Roadworks “Month of Madness” and Clean Air Zone Camera Use

March Month of Madness

Madame Mayor.

My question relates to roadworks across Oldham and what I and others would describe as March the Month of Madness.

Next week more 25 streets have programmed works then there will be the emergency ones or late notice on top of that.

Our roads are in a crumbling state of neglect.  Because of this, emergency repairs are often needed and even though these can be disruptive, I think most people in Oldham accept that they are necessary.

What people are sick and tired of Madam Mayor, is what is now becoming known as the March Month of Madness on our roads.

Every year it seems to get worse and worse.  Jobs that could have been prioritised are just rolled into March and the result it is mayhem on the roads. 

Is it because we aren’t taking the utility companies to task?

When, instead of applying for permits to do planned work they lazily say the work is deemed an emergency repair and get on with it when it suits them and their shareholders, not when it suits the people who rely on those roads every day?

The council also does a disproportional amount of work towards the end of the financial year in rush to spend up.

So, when you add UU, Gas, Electric, broadband, and Council you get road works everywhere.  This is not just an Oldham problem.

It impacts on all road users, bus timetables become meaningless. 

The road works that impact around Oldham town centre is worth a special mention for the chaos they cause and continue to especially at peak times.

There must be a better way of doing this. 

Does the Leader agree that we need a proper enforceable licensing approval scheme in place? 

And will she start to take a tougher approach with utility companies to ensure that works are carried at the earliest opportunity and for the benefit of people who use the roads, rather than being crammed into March – which has become the Month of Madness on our roads?

Clean Air Zone Camera Use

Madam Mayor, we’ve all seen the latest from Mayor Burnham in the Clean Air Zone saga. 

After nearly two years, three Prime Ministers and countless back-and-forth exchanges between the Manchester Mayor and the government.  We are now told that the Clean Air Zone will only be a charging zone in Manchester and in Salford. 

At least £3.3 million has been spent on signage across all Greater Manchester, including across Oldham Borough.  A scandalous example of reckless spending.

We’ve had the creation of a new clean air committee across Greater Manchester.  You would think after the farce they made of the Clean Air Zone, Labour would want this to be a truly cross-party and collaborative committee.

But no.  It’s not politically balanced and you need three members to agree a call-in.  So, nothing will happen on this new committee unless Labour say so.   

One thing that should concern us in Oldham is the use of the cameras that have been put up across our borough for the enforcement of the original clean air zone. 

These cameras are no longer needed for their original purpose.

So, what will they be used for?  Are they going to be turned over to Greater Manchester Police?  Is there going to be any public consultation on their use?

We already have more CCTV cameras per head of population than any other democratic country Madam Mayor.  And Greater Manchester is the second city after London by number of cameras

Is all of this helping GMP catch criminals?  Not with 96% of burglars going uncharged in 2022 Madam Mayor. 

So does the Leader agree with me that the future usage of these cameras must not be decided in a back room somewhere. 

What is her position on the future use of these cameras? And if we need these cameras at all, will she make sure that the people of Oldham and Greater Manchester are consulted on their use?

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