Liberal Democrats call for a return to “proper local health services” as figures show surge in patients per GP in Oldham 

Oldham Liberal Democrats have called for a return to proper local health services, after new figures revealed an 18% fall in the number of GPs in Oldham while patient numbers rise.

The analysis shows that there are now an eye-watering 2,774 patients for every GP in Oldham.  This is up by 28% since 2016.

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “At the last election, the Conservative party promised to recruit more GPs.  However, today’s figures show there are now fewer fully qualified GPs in Oldham compared to 2016.  The number of GPs has fallen in Oldham, but the number of patients has soared.”

Figures show that there are over 600 more patients across Oldham but 21 fewer doctors to treat them. 

Councillor Sykes said, “We need a return to proper local health services.  People in Oldham just want strong local health services, but years of Government neglect has caused a GP shortage crisis, leaving people unable to see their local doctor when they need to. 

“Liberal Democrats would guarantee people a right to a GP appointment within one week so people can get the care they deserve.  Boosting GP numbers would not only help people get appointments, it would reduce pressure on our hospitals and paramedics, saving crucial time and money elsewhere in the NHS.

“This local election is a golden opportunity to send the Government a message they cannot ignore and elect strong local champions who will stand up for our health services.”


Full analysis from the Liberal Democrats is available here.

The number of active GP surgeries has fallen by 547 in England since January 2019. Official Government data shows the number of ‘Open Active GP Surgeries’, the reason for closures is not given. Some of this data may include “mergers”, however other recent studies have also proven hundreds of GP practices closing across the country in recent years. 

Number of Practices Source: NHS Digital – Appointments in General Practice – 2023 – Tab 3a

Number of Practices Source: NHS Digital – Appointments in General Practice – 2019 – Tab 3a

Registered Patients at GP Practices – NHS Digital

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