More than 145,000 GP appointments in Oldham lasted five minutes or less

Figures revealed by the Liberal Democrats show that 146,285 GP appointments in Oldham lasted just five minutes or less over the last year. 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE warned that government failure to recruit enough GPs has led to “frighteningly long waiting times and rushed appointments.”

Councillor Sykes said, “The pandemic created a backlog in our health services.  People haven’t been able to see a doctor when they’ve needed one.  Now there are more patients but fewer GPs to treat them.  Services are stretched to breaking point and you have to wonder what quality of care can be delivered in an appointment that lasts less than five minutes.”

These latest figures come just after Liberal Democrats uncovered data showing that there are 21 fewer GPs across Oldham than in 2016.

Councillor Sykes said, “The situation with GP services in Oldham has become critical.  People deserve the peace of mind that comes when you know you can get an appointment for yourself or a loved one when you need one.  The Conservative government is destroying the NHS and these local elections are an opportunity to send them a message by electing councillors who will stand up for local health services.”


House of Commons research into appointment times commissioned by the Liberal Democrats available here.

Liberal Democrats reveal fall in GP numbers in Oldham
Liberal Democrats call for a return to “proper local health services” as figures show surge in patients per GP in Oldham  – Howard Sykes (

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