Events of Crompton Moor -24 June – update

If you’re coming to the event today, Saturday the 24th of June (from 10:30am), please be aware that there will be a change of task.   We don’t have any Himalayan balsam to bash!  We finished all the areas off on Thursday the 22nd of June.  A big thankyou to all who were involved in that event, you all worked so hard.

Instead, we will be doing some tree management just at the top of Brushes Clough Quarry.   These are the trees planted by City of Trees.  Some have lost their supports, or just need some weeding out around the base, and there’s some holly that needs to be freed from the green guard to allow the branches to spread out.

If you have secateurs, could you bring some?   And if anyone has any garden shears, for cutting back the grass at the base of the trees, that would be most appreciated, as I only have one pair.  We definitely need some more equipment.

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