Litter at Shaw tram stop

Let see if this happens and how long it takes

Dear Councillor Sykes 

Thank you for contacting Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) regarding litter on the tram tracks at the Shaw and Crompton Metrolink stop. 

I have passed your comments onto the tram operator, Keolis Amey (KAM) Metrolink and asked that the area be cleaned up as a priority. 

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.

4 thoughts on “Litter at Shaw tram stop

  1. Howard Morton says:

    Can’t the tram company dish out fines for offenders who blight our station with litter seems an obvious solution. Why should tram companies pay for anti social retards

  2. Peter Kenworthy says:

    Unfortunately once again it’s the idiots who drop litter that spoil the area . Litter is a very serious problem all over the uk and something positive needs to happen. We’ve had years and years of education to know that it’s not acceptable.
    We need more resources to tackle the problem. Bigger fines etc etc and a much needed change in mentality

    • howardsykes says:

      Agree 100% more enforcement and higher fines are needed. Something I have been campaigning for, for many years.

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