4 thoughts on “Weed failure

  1. Kevin Lees says:

    Declaring war on Dandelions is not the answer to the problems we have in Shaw!
    What about the escalating crime and anti social behaviour?
    Surely that must be addressed before a few weeds growing.

    • howardsykes says:

      I do not see it as an either or. If an area looks un loved it generates more ASB and alike. For the record I spend much more time trying to work with the police and other agencies to tackle crime in Shaw & Crompton.

  2. Lewis Farnworth says:

    Totally agree our council tax supposed to pay for this we should refuse to pay council tax until September.

    • howardsykes says:

      I understand the anger but would not suggest people do not pay their council tax. What they need to do is remember such matters when they vote in the next local elections.

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