Wetland tasks – Crompton Moor – 8 Aug 10:30am

Please see photo of our leaky dam at the top of Whitesides.  This dam is turning into the best area of wetland on Crompton Moor.   Wildlife is beginning to gather there already.   We’re putting a fence around the top side to help deter dogs from going in and disturbing the wildlife, and doing a bit more clearing of vegetation to laying down some choir matting which has already been planted with seed.

We’re going up there again on Tuesday the 8th of August to do some more work to prepare for future planting of both marginal and aquatic plants. 

Meet in Brushes Clough car park for a 10:30 am start, on Tuesday the 8th of August 2023, and join us working in one of the most scenic parts of the moor.   Watch the dragonflies darting about.   An event not to be missed and take part in the creation of a beautiful wildlife wetland.

Please dress appropriate for the weather, and Wellingtons are advised if you want to work in the wettest areas.

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