Development of land Lilac View Close, Shaw

Development of land Lilac View Close, Shaw

I confirm I have been pursuing this matter with the relevant Council Departments and have recently received a response from the Head of Planning which I would like to share.

Good afternoon Cllr Sykes,

Apologies for the delay in responding to you on the below.

We are still awaiting some input from statutory consultees on this application so, at the moment, we’re anticipating bringing it to Planning Committee in September (20th) if we’re minded to recommend approval.  However, we will of course bring it to August Committee (23rd) if matters get resolved sooner.

Kind regards,

Peter Richards – Head of Planning

2 thoughts on “Development of land Lilac View Close, Shaw

  1. Jean Norman says:

    I understand that if the statutory consultees do not give a ‘favourable’ response, then the planning application will not be passed for approval on 20th September.

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