Friday the 17th of November 23 – meet in Brushes Clough car park for a 10:30 start – we’re just going to take a walk around the moor to assess the Leaky dams and decide on the locations for a further 6 dams. (3 large Leaky dams- to be built by a contractor, and 3 smaller Leaky dams for volunteers to do.)
Wednesday the 22nd of November 23 – meet in Brushes Clough car park for a 10:30 start – This will be a work team to finish of the fencing at the top leaky dam (top of Whitesides) No worries if you haven’t done fencing before, now’s the time to learn a new skill.
There’s a bog at the top of the hill looking down on number eight Cliff Hill Road Shaw which would make a good dam which could have a controlled leak system. Might be worth a look.
Can you email me details about this and will make sure it is considered. Many thanks.
The top of the hill at the rear of number 8 & 10 has a bog which is always wet and tends to drain off between the two properties with number 8 having a drain of some sort put in quite a few years.
I think it’s brilliant what you do on the moors my favourite place with my dad’s dog 🐕misha love it up there so thank you from Shaw Wez Hebdon
Glad to hear and I am sure you would be very welcome to join in the activities if you like.
If so ping me a phone number and email and will put you in touch.
Best wishes.