Fixing football funding would give Latics £2.5 million boost say Liberal Democrats  

Fixing football funding would give Latics £2.5 million boost say Liberal Democrats  

Oldham Liberal Democrat councillors have renewed a campaign for funding reform to support lower league football and provide fairer financial support for clubs like Oldham Athletic.  The Fair Game Index, developed by the organisation ‘Fair Game’, would reward financially responsible clubs and distribute more revenue down the football pyramid to smaller clubs. 

Liberal Democrat Leader and Shaw representative councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “The Latics occupy a special place in Oldham life.  We have a rich footballing history in this part of the world.“

“But due to the challenges of Covid and the Cost-of-Living Crisis, the future is far from certain for lower league clubs.  This is not helped by a funding structure that is stacked against smaller teams who run their finances ethically and responsibly. For instance, of the £3.2 billion English football receive from TV rights 88% goes to premier league clubs.  The average National League team gets 58p!” 

“This is wrong, and we need to rebalance the wealth within football so that the whole footballing pyramid can benefit.”

In December 2021, the Liberal Democrats presented a motion calling for Oldham Council to formally support the Fair Game funding index.  The motion passed unanimously.  Oldham Athletic would receive more than £2.5 million each year in additional funding if the plans were adopted. 

Councillor Sykes said, “This extra funding would be transformational for the club and could be invested in creating local jobs, improved facilities and community projects.  We need the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to get to grips with the way our national game is funded.”

Liberal Democrat motion on Fair Game December 2021

Liberal Democrat Councillors call for fair play in the world of football – Howard Sykes (

2 thoughts on “Fixing football funding would give Latics £2.5 million boost say Liberal Democrats  

  1. Jack Butterworth says:

    Good news but hope the the rugby are not overlooked for any future funding. They are doing great work with young people giving then coaching and keeping them off the streets

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