“No Pride in Labour”

“No Pride in Labour”

Crompton Liberal Democrat Councillor Louie Hamblett was recently surprised to learn that the Oldham Labour administration had taken the former St Mary’s independent Councillor Aftab Hussain back onto its benches in the council chamber.

This despite the fact during last year’s election campaign Councillor Hussain’s team delivered anti LGBT+ leaflets which both then previous leader of Oldham council condemned and said they would refer to Greater Manchester Police as a hate crime.

Councillor Hamblett who also chairs Oldham pride said “With Oldham Pride looking to celebrate its 20th Anniversary this year both myself and the committee are really looking forward to working with all to making this event a huge success”

Councillor Hamblett also added ”this year’s pride is being celebrated a stone’s throw from Cllr Hussain’s ward, so I hope his admittance to Labour means that he now totally rejects the leaflet delivered in his name and he will now join other Labour members in celebrating Oldham Pride this year”. 

Cllr Hamblett concludes: “I worry that, without this clarification and promise from Cllr Hussain, Labour’s claim to want to make Oldham a diverse and welcoming place is another empty promise.”

 Notes: Article regarding the leaflet:


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