Liberal Democrats “ready to deliver for all of Oldham” with council budget amendment

Liberal Democrats “ready to deliver for all of Oldham” with council budget amendment

Oldham Council’s Liberal Democrat Opposition will set out their amendment to Labour’s budget later this week at the Governance, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board (8/2/24) before taking it to full council on 28 February 24. 

Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader and Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, councillor Sam Al-Hamdani said, “We are ambitious for Oldham.  People are fed up with a council which fails to deliver the basics under Labour.” 

“Liberal Democrat councillors have listened to the residents we represent and its clear that for too long, the Labour dominated council has spent too long obsessing over Oldham town centre and neglecting our districts and villages.” 

“Our budget plans are relentlessly focused on delivering safer streets, rejuvenating our parks and green spaces; improving our district centres; investing in crime prevention; and funding more youth.”

This February, councils up and down the country will set their budgets for the next financial year with the cost-of-living crisis still raging.  Oldham councillors will vote on final plans at a Civic Centre meeting on Wednesday 28th February. 

Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “This is a challenging time.  But it’s our residents who face the biggest challenges, with runaway energy bills, mortgages, and prices in shops.  People expect the council to put resources into frontline services.  But we’ve identified more than £300,000 worth of wasteful spending across council departments and that money would be better spent on vital youth services, on our green spaces and on our pavements and roads.”

“Our plans reflect the priorities of residents, and they demonstrate that the Liberal Democrats are ready to deliver for all of Oldham.”   

Budget amendment papers attached.

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