Besom Hill End Farm, 817 Ripponden Road, Oldham

Besom Hill End Farm, 817 Ripponden Road, Oldham.

I can now confirm that the Planning Inspector has dismissed the appeal.

Therefore, Oldham Council have written to the developer and advised that they has eight weeks to remove all non-agricultural machinery, containers and concrete blocks from the site.

If the machinery, containers and concrete blocks are not removed, they will then serve an enforcement notice for their removal.

In addition, they have advised them that the existing enforcement notice to re-instate the original boundary lines, remove the hardcore and re-seed the land has now come back into force and they have six months to comply with that notice.

In relation to the recent burning of material, this is an environmental health matter and, given this is the first time Env Health have been made aware of this particular issue, they have recorded it and will monitor the site. 

If there are any further instances of burning material on the site, residents should report this to

4 thoughts on “Besom Hill End Farm, 817 Ripponden Road, Oldham

  1. howard morton says:

    Excellent news it’s an eyesore

  2. Barbara law says:

    Hope it’s not allowed to be left full of the huge containers that are there currently.

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