Crompton Moor – Bash the Balsam – Wed 26 June

Crompton Moor – Bash the Balsam – Wed 26 June.

First, a big thank you to all of you who have been helping to get rid of the Himalayan Balsam.    This has certainly been a big task this year especially on the access road to the car park.  It’s clear to see that a vast amount has been cleared but there are still some at the barrier area across from Shore Edge church, and a few pockets here and there as you go up the road.

It’s a big ask, but we really need to clear the rest of it, so another date has been added to have one last push to clear what remains.  

The date and time for this last push is Wednesday 26th of June.    Meet in the small car park on the bend for a 10:30 am start. 

Hoping as many of you as possible will be able to make this date, it’s so important to keep on top of clearing this invasive species.

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