Liberal Democrats to force no-overall-control Oldham Council to vote again on ‘Places for Everyone’
Oldham Liberal Democrats will force a vote on whether Oldham Council should withdraw from the controversial Greater Manchester-wide housing scheme ‘Places for Everyone’ at the next Full Council meeting on July 10th.
Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE said, “Places for Everyone will not deliver the affordable housing we need in Oldham. The scheme will destroy greenbelt sites and hand a blank cheque to developers. All councillors should vote to begin the process of removing Oldham from this scheme on July 10th.”
‘Places for Everyone’ is the successor proposal to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework which was put forward by Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham until Liberal Democrat controlled Stockport removed itself from the plans in 2020, forcing a rebrand.
On Wednesday 10th July at a meeting of Oldham’s Full Council, the Liberal Democrat Leader will move a motion to withdraw Oldham borough from ‘Places for Everyone’, in the most significant challenge to the Mayor’s housing strategy since Stockport pulled out.
For Oldham, the process of withdrawing from the Greater Manchester-wide scheme will have two parts. Councillors will first vote to begin the process on July 10th with a final decision to be made at the next council meeting in December.
Councillor Sykes said, “We need to deliver more affordable and social housing. But we can do better than a plan that is spearheaded by Andy Burnham and drawn up in Manchester city centre. Oldham Borough deserves a true local plan that protects green spaces and makes use of brownfield and ex-industrial heritage buildings.”
“We promised before the local elections that removing Oldham from ‘Places for Everyone’ and protecting our greenbelt would be a top priority for the Liberal Democrats. We aim to keep that promise by forcing the Council to vote again on the scheme at the earliest opportunity available to us.”
Motion to be moved by Councillor Sykes in full:
Removing Oldham Borough from Places for Everyone
Proposed by: Councillor Howard Sykes
Seconded by: Councillor Max Woodvine
This council recognises that:
- Places for Everyone is based on ‘housing need’ calculations which are already the better part of a decade old.
- Places for Everyone does not give guarantees with regards to the delivery of affordable and socially rented homes.
- ‘Places for Everyone’ represents a developer-led approach.
- It would see the irreparable loss of Green Belt sites and green spaces which is not necessary.
- It uses Green Belt for the delivery of a housing strategy focused solely on developer profit.
- It does not deliver the right mix of affordable housing types and tenures in the places people want to live.
- We also believe the Adoption Statement for the Plan presented at the last Full Council meeting in March 2024 was misleading by implying that all the main modifications had been consulted on. This was not the case, as none of the main modifications related to HS2 have been consulted upon.
This council resolves to:
1) Request the new Secretary of State to revoke the Plan ‘Places for Everyone’ in the interest of all Oldham’s residents, businesses and other stake holders for the reasons stated above.
2) In order for Council to consider this decision at its next meeting in September, the relevant council officers are requested to present a full report on the planning, legal, equalities and all other considerations of such a revocation.
3) Should the request be approved Oldham Council’ withdraw engagement and support for the defence of the judicial review of ‘Places for Everyone’.
4) Should the Plan be revoked the Green Belt boundaries should be restored to their pre-adoption state.
5) If the Plan is revoked develop an Oldham-led housing strategy that prioritises brownfield and ex-industrial sites, while protecting greenbelt and green spaces for future generations.