Land to the South of Lilac View Close and to the West of the Road Knowl, Shaw – Erection of 21 no. residential dwellings with associated landscaping and highways works.
Following the planning meeting on Wednesday 17 July I am pleased to report the application has been refused.
Some Key points from the meeting.
Lisa Smirk spoke very well on behalf of residents, and I also spoke as Ward Councillor. I am sure between us we managed to convince the Committee of the detrimental impact this proposed development would have on this area.
It was quite a battle as the developer asked for it to be deferred and several Councillors (all Labour) wanted that course of action. However, given the strength of feeling displayed by the Councillors supporting the refusal on the Committee the Developer did not win on this occasion.
On the final vote the matter was refused (six votes to four), again the four against refusal were Labour.
A further reason for refusal was a lack of highway detail of the proposed development. This was added to the reasons for refusal along with the unwillingness of the developer to pay a lump sum for public open space (the original reason for refusal) as per planning policy on all such developments.
This is a clear victory for common sense.
I suspect this will not be the last we hear about developing this site and I am sure a new planning application will be submitted.
Thanks for your and Lisa’s efforts
As you say, common sense has prevailed
How anyone could possibly even consider the increased traffic flow on Lilac View Close to be remotely acceptable is beyond me
Have the people involved actually been to site I wonder? Do they know what they are dealing with?
We live to fight another day. Traffic flow was not one of the reasons for it being refused, much to my amazement.