The Lancashire Walling Association on Crompton Moor – Thursday 20 May 2021

Come and try your hand at another day of dry-stone walling.  This is the perfect opportunity to have a go, and learn how to take down and re-build a dry-stone wall within the beautiful setting of Crompton Moor.  

No experience is necessary, and all tools, protective eyewear, and materials will be provided. 

Please dress, according to the weather, and you will require stout outdoor footwear and work gloves.  Please bring a packed lunch and something to drink.

We will meet in Brushes Clough car park, on Crompton Moor, for a 10:00 am start.

If you have any questions, please let us know by

email –, or you can call us on 07792 156295. 

2 thoughts on “The Lancashire Walling Association on Crompton Moor – Thursday 20 May 2021

  1. howard morton says:

    Are they going to build one from Carlisle to Newcastle?

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