Shaw and Crompton come together for “One Day” for Holocaust Memorial Day

Shaw and Crompton Councillors attended the annual Holocaust Memorial Day service Thursday 27 January 2022.

The service held at Crompton War Memorial was about “One Day”* and passages were read by Sade, (Farrowdale House Preparatory School pupil), Aizah (Crompton Primary School pupil) as well Crompton Councillor Dave Murphy.

“It was an absolute pleasure and delight to see so many young children taking part in the service.  We had three different schools in attendance, which also included Royton and Crompton EACT-Academy; this has been our vision from the very start – that school children attend and take back the understanding of the Holocaust and never forget,” said Councillor Diane Williamson.

After the service, stones were laid on Crompton War Memorial; The act of placing visitation stones is significant in Jewish bereavement practices. Small stones are placed by people who visit Jewish graves in an act of remembrance or respect for the deceased. The practice is a way of participating in the mitzvah of burial. It is customary to place the stone with the left hand.

“We hope to see the event grow bigger next year and to have more schools take part” said Councillor Diane Williamson who led the service.

*Survivors of the Holocaust and of genocide often talk about the One Day when everything changed, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for better.

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